Spring Cleaning For Your Health: Tips For Maintaining Good Health This Season

April 5, 2023

Enjoy the Weather & Get Active Outside!

With longer days and warmer temperatures, this time of year is an ideal time to start focusing on your physical health journey. Getting a proper amount of exercise doesn’t have to be daunting! Consider daily walks around your neighborhood or playing a game of tennis at your local courts. There are countless opportunities to get active in a fun way during the spring months.

Other fun ways to get active this spring include:

  • Take a bike ride
  • Yoga class
  • Go on a hike
  • Play golf

While prioritizing your physical health is important, make sure to use safety precautions to avoid accidental injuries. When playing sports, always use the proper equipment and allow your body to rest when it needs to. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. As much as we try to prevent them, injuries can occur. When you need same-day acute injury care, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Louisville!

Stay Up-To-Date On All Recommended Vaccinations

Are you planning to take a trip this spring? Or maybe you’re preparing to get together with friends and family to celebrate an upcoming holiday? Whatever’s on your agenda, it’s important to make sure you have updated immunizations for the spring season. Influenza continues to affect communities into the early summer months, so be sure your family has flu shots to avoid any flu-like symptoms. It’s important to be aware that certain nations require specific vaccinations for entry.

If you have an upcoming trip this spring, research which vaccinations you might need and plan a visit to your local urgent care center to receive them. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides a wide range of travel vaccines, from polio to measles. Getting these vaccinations not only ensures your health will be protected while abroad, but also guarantees you won’t be bringing any diseases or infection back to your community.

Learn How To Manage Your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Nothing is worse than being stuck inside with seasonal allergy symptoms while the sun is shining outside. Fortunately, there are various ways you can effectively prevent your allergy symptoms this spring so you can get back to doing the things you love! First, be sure to identify what’s triggering your symptoms. Is it pollen, grass, or pet dander? When you know what’s affecting your immune system, you can take actions to limit your exposure. Pollen is the main cause of allergy symptoms in the spring– affecting about a quarter or adults in the U.S. alone. If pollen is your trigger, be sure to check the pollen count in your area to avoid excessive outside time during those periods.

Seasonal allergies can also be treated with the proper support system. By visiting an urgent care center, you can discuss the right treatment plan with a healthcare professional. Providers can help determine the cause of your symptoms and make recommendations for care– including proper medications, lotions, and lifestyle changes. For more information about the services available at AFC Urgent Care Louisville, please call us directly at (720) 961-9700.

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