When do Seasonal Allergies Start?

February 11, 2021


When “allergy season” begins can depend on what a patient is allergic to. Many people suffer from Spring and Fall allergies, but it can technically be allergy season all year round. Visit AFC Urgent Care Boulder County to get seasonal allergy treatment before your allergies even begin. Our physicians are trained to give you the best possible care and provide you with the options you need to feel your best this allergy season.

Common Allergy Symptoms

Many patients experience symptoms differently than others, and not everyone will have the same symptoms. If you begin to have a fever, it is likely not allergies and may be a cold or flu. Some common allergy symptoms include:

  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy or runny nose, sneezing
  • Ear congestion
  • Post-nasal drip

Understanding these common symptoms can help patients to determine what they are allergic to and when. This will allow for more prompt treatment, and patients can begin treatment early on, so they do not suffer from seasonal allergies at all.

Spring Allergies

Spring allergies are typically triggered by tree pollen. Trees can begin to pollinate in February and will continue into May. Depending on how harsh and cold winter is, some trees can be delayed in pollinating. In warmer climates, however, it will typically begin in February, no matter what. Trees pollinate by blowing in the wind, which is how our allergies become triggered. The wind will blow the microscopic particles around in our eyes, ears, and nose, and we begin to have allergic reactions. Common pollinating trees include elm, cottonwood, aspen, cedar, oak, and maple.

Summer Allergies

Summer allergies typically run in May and June. These are caused by the pollen on the grass. Hay fever is caused by ryegrass and timothy grass in areas of the U.S. In southern states, they are less likely to suffer from allergies in the summer as the climate is too hot for grass to pollinate.

Fall Allergies

Ragweed season begins in the middle of August and will run until November. The types of plants that have ragweed pollen are found all over the United States, so Fall allergies are often the most severe of the seasons. Additionally, mold spores are found on falling leaves and dying plants. Their spores then fall through the air and blow in the wind. Those who spend more time outside during the Fall season are more likely to suffer from ragweed allergies.

Winter Allergies

In December and January, plants are often dead or not pollinated due to the cold weather, so most allergies are happening inside. This affects those that are allergic to dust or pet dander. While inside, we are not getting as much fresh air as the air is often recirculating through ventilation systems. Additionally, during warm periods of the winter where the temperature is above freezing, but things are still wet from rain and snow, mold is growing. Mold impacts those with allergies in large parts of the Midwest.


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