When Should I Get My Flu Shot?

October 17, 2022

With the holiday season around the corner, you may find yourself spending more time with family and friends. Although gathering with your community is fun, it’s important to remember how close contact with other people, specifically indoors, can increase the risk of being diagnosed with common illnesses, like influenza.

This year, don’t let your symptoms get the best of you. Getting your flu vaccine is the best way to avoid sickness, but you may be wondering… When should I get my flu shot? Continue reading to get some answers for common flu questions and visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville to get your flu shot today!

When to Get Your Flu Shot

In October, cases of influenza begin to dramatically increase across communities. The illness stays present throughout the winter months. The earliest that most patients can receive their flu shot begins in September. It’s recommended to get your flu shot as early as you can, to avoid the risk for incurring flu symptoms and spreading influenza to those around you. While the flu vaccine does lose efficacy over time, it is strong enough to last throughout flu season.

Each year, strains of influenza change and evolve. That is the reason you need to get flu vaccination each year, in order to best protect yourself. Unfortunately, we cannot track exactly when the flu will peak in your specific community, so the best way to avoid getting sick is by getting the flu shot today. The flu vaccine takes around two weeks to build up antibodies.

High-Risk Groups for Flu Complications

Some groups of people may be at a higher risk for flu-related complications, hospitalization, and even death. These groups include young children, those aged 65 and older, those with weakened immune systems, and those with underlying chronic health conditions. If you fit into one of these categories, it’s wise to seek flu vaccination as soon as possible. You also may want to consult with your healthcare provider about receiving a high-dose flu shot. As we get older, our immune system weakens. High-dose flu vaccines can give weakened immune systems an extra protection against systems and prevent severe complications.

If you are a pregnant woman or if you work in a setting with any of these groups, such as a medical facility or a daycare,  you should also make getting your flu shot early a top priority. Getting your flu shot not only protects yourself against illness, but also protects those with higher risk for flu complications from illness.

Influenza Symptoms Prevented by a Flu Shot

The flu shot is the most effective resource for preventing flu symptoms. The symptoms can be mild to moderate for healthy adults, but can still leave us feeling unwell for weeks at a time. Don’t let the flu put you off your feet this winter. Getting your vaccine is your best chance for avoiding flu symptoms altogether.

Common symptoms of the flu that can be prevented with vaccination include:

  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough and chest congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or sinus congestion
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting or diarrhea (more common in children)

Get Your Flu Shot at AFC Louisville Today!

If you still need to get your flu shot, come visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Louisville today. The clinic is open extended hours seven days a week. Our team of licensed, medical professionals specialize in flu vaccination and flu treatment for your entire family. Don’t let flu symptoms get the best of you this holiday season. Visit AFC Louisville for your flu shot with no appointment necessary. For more information on flu vaccination, or other urgent care services we provide, call us directly at (720) 961-9700.

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