Why You Should Get a Flu Shot This Fall

September 29, 2020


With the start of flu season upon us, getting your flu shot is more important than ever with the ongoing and continued threat of COVID-19. By getting your flu shot, your doctor will be able to narrow down a potential diagnosis if you fall ill or begin to exhibit symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. AFC Urgent Care Louisville offers flu shots to walk-in patients seven days a week. 

Should I be getting a flu shot?

Most likely, yes. The flu vaccination is recommended for almost all patients over the age of six months, with few exceptions. Young infants should not receive a flu shot. If you are a patient who reacted negatively to a previous flu vaccine or have an allergy to eggs, consult with your physician about different flu prevention options. Patients considered high-risk, including pregnant women, senior citizens and patients with chronic conditions or weakened immune systems should get the flu shot early in the season to make sure they have immunity as soon as possible.

Why do I need a flu shot?

The flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent contracting the flu virus when exposed. The vaccine consists of a diluted or dead strain of the current and active influenza virus, which exposes your body just enough to prompt your body to begin producing antibodies. Antibodies are an immune response to a virus that learn how to detect and defeat it, so you don’t exhibit symptoms or become contagious.  

When should I get a flu shot?

In order to make sure you have immunity for the peak of flu season, you should get your flu shot between September and the end of October. Because the antibodies take about two weeks to develop and become fully effective, it is important to get it before the flu virus starts to really make its way through your community in order to make sure that you are immune. The flu starts to spread when people are indoors and in close quarters, and making sure you are immune before Thanksgiving will prevent you from spreading the illness to your family members. If you are considered to be high-risk for more severe symptoms or complications from the virus, consult with your physician about getting a second dosage before the virus peaks between December and March.

Do I really need to get an updated flu shot every year?

Yes. The flu shot is only designed to provide immunity for about six months, the duration of a single flu season. This is by design because the influenza virus mutates and changes quickly, so the same strain that is prevalent this year will not be the same one that goes around next flu season. Since the flu changes so quickly, an annual flu shot is necessary for continued immunity. 

Walk-In Flu Shots in Louisville, Boulder & Superior, CO

If you are in need of a flu shot, don’t put it off any longer! Visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville for walk-in flu shots seven days a week. Most major insurance plans are accepted and you never need to worry about waiting for an appointment. For questions or more information about the flu shot, please call 720-961-9700.


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