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COVID-19 vs. Flu Symptoms

January 19, 2022

With flu season rapidly approaching and the COVID-19 pandemic still looming, it’s essential to recognize clear differences between the viruses. There are many similarities in their symptoms. The only way to be certain is by receiving a flu test and COVID test at AFC Lyndhurst.

If you are not already vaccinated against both the flu and COVID, it’s imperative you receive both vaccines to help keep yourself and others safe. Visit AFC Urgent Care Lyndhurst today for your annual flu shot.

Continue reading to learn more about the flu and COVID-19 today.

Flu Symptoms

Flu symptoms are often very similar from person to person. Not many people will experience different symptoms, though they may experience a difference in severity. Common signs of the flu include:

  • Fever and/or body aches
  • Cough and shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Vomiting (common in children)

The flu can cause serious health complications, such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, or cardiac injury. Some groups are more likely to suffer from severe symptoms and complications. This includes the elderly, children, and pregnant women.

Four versions of the flu shot are approved for all individuals beginning at six months. Speak with a provider at AFC Lyndhurst for more information on flu shots.

COVID Symptoms

As mentioned previously, COVID has many similar symptoms to the flu. Some common, similar symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough and shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Headache

It has been found that loss of taste or smell is associated with COVID. Additionally, the elderly, children, pregnant women, and those who are immunocompromised are susceptible to complications. Hospitalization can happen to otherwise healthy individuals who get COVID.

The COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to prevent serious symptoms and potential hospitalization.

Major Differences

The most noticeable difference between the flu and COVID-19 is how the symptoms arise. Those with the flu often get all symptoms at once, 1-4 days after getting infected. Those with COVID may only receive one or two symptoms at a time, and they can show up anywhere from 2 to 14 days after infection.

Those with COVID can also be contagious for longer after their symptoms stop than those with the flu. Both viruses spread the same way, and it’s important to avoid close contact with others when you are experiencing symptoms.

COVID cases have seen more severity and hospitalizations than the flu. Those with the flu are more likely to fully recover within a few weeks, whereas COVID can have lasting symptoms.


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