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How Does Sleep Affect My Health?

April 5, 2022

The importance of sleep is often overlooked, but the truth is that sleep should be a priority every day. Sleep is necessary for the body to function correctly and live fully, and sleep helps the body restore its defenses and fend off many serious health conditions. 

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Health Conditions 

The body rests at night and recharges its immune system as part of the process. The immune system helps to keep the body maintained. Without adequate sleep, the body may fall into dangerous yet avoidable health troubles. 


Weight gain can occur due to a lack of sleep. Without proper rest, the mind does not have the motivation to be active or exercise, and the body does not have the strength to perform strenuous activities when fatigued either. A lack of sleep also triggers the hormones that control hunger resulting in snacking and a desire for more easily accessible and unhealthy food choices. 

Heart Health

During sleep, the body rests enough to reduce blood pressure, and this reduction is required to maintain heart health over time. Sleep gives the heart a rest from high blood pressure levels so that it can endure these levels again when needed through the waking hours. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke. 


Sleep helps to reduce blood sugar. During sleep, blood glucose levels are reduced, giving the body a rest period of higher levels. Constant high levels of blood sugar are unhealthy for the body and lead to Type II Diabetes. 

How Much Sleep Is Needed?

The amount of sleep required nightly changes a small amount through the life cycle. Babies, children, and teens generally need more sleep than adults and seniors as they are developing. While it may differ from person to person, seven hours is a generally recognized optimal amount of sleep a night. A night without adequate rest will lead to short-term side effects on the following day, such as fatigue or irritability. Getting less than around seven hours regularly can lead to the above adverse health conditions. 

Helpful Tips

While quality sleep isn’t easy, it is something to strive towards. Sleep supplements may not guarantee the best results and may have unwanted side effects. Here are some natural tips to improve sleep. 


Exercising during the day is helpful to make the body want to rest at night, and it creates a balance and provides the body with the necessity to heal itself from the daily activity. Exercising before bed may be detrimental to some as it can boost alertness and increase oxygen and blood flow. 


The body has an internal clock that is based on light. While we see the light during the daytime, we feel alert and understand we should be awake. The darkness at night encourages the body to slow down and rest in contrast. It is important to get enough sunlight during the day.

Artificial Light

Electronics have an artificial light that stimulates the brain. Electronic devices also are sources of information that can stimulate calculations and planning, which are not helpful for restful sleep. It is best to put away all electronics and devices with blue light an hour before bed. 

Stop Eating

Eating before bed can reduce quality sleep. Food provides energy and stimulates the body to work to digest it. It is best not to eat for a few hours before bed; alcohol and sweets can have an even worse effect. 


It’s best to stick to the same sleep and wake schedule every day. Routine gets the body used to resting at a specific time and feeling alert upon waking. Keeping a regular schedule allows the body to slip into and maintain sleep rather than fight it when it is time. 

Get Comfortable

The best sleep conditions are usually a cool, dark, and quiet room. The body has a better chance of staying asleep without distractions such as noise or sweating, and this provides optimal conditions for the body to relax and focus on sleep. 

Prioritize Sleep

Don’t take sleep for granted. It provides energy, strength, and focus for the next day. Getting adequate sleep may work as an extra cup of coffee at the cost of nothing. Try prioritizing sleep using these health tips for long-term improved health and wellness. 


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