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Don’t Forget Your Child’s Back To School Physical: Bring Your Forms!

August 17, 2021

Is your little munchkin excited to go back to school in-person? Don’t forget your child’s back to school physical! They might have been able to skip going to the doctor’s office last year when going to school virtually. But this year, going back to school means going back to the same potential health risks we’ve had in previous years. Treat this physical like 2019-2020- pre COVID-19. We can’t forget about ...

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Wintertime Injuries to Watch for and How to Prevent Them

January 4, 2021

" Wintertime comes with its fair share of severe injuries, and the cold weather can make it hurt more.  Most injuries during the winter season are treatable but extremely painful nevertheless. Activities such as snowboarding, hiking, traveling, and even simple day-to-day chores are intensive and quite the task during colder months. Not to mention, the snow plays a risk factor. Low temperatures aren’t a friend to everyone, especially not if you live in a particularly ...

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Who shouldn’t travel during the COVID pandemic this holiday season?

November 15, 2020

" The 21st century has witnessed changes in almost all fields, but the current pandemic has left everyone stumped. No one was ready for a change this monumental, that took over every aspect of our lives and made us rectify our lifestyle in favor of adaptability. Travelling was no exception; since COVID-19 is a transmittable virus, it became exceptionally difficult to travel long distances safely. Nowadays, traveling has a rule book, just like everything else. So ...

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What types of flu shots are available?

November 15, 2020

" Influenza, or flu, is a highly contagious respiratory illness. It stems from viruses and infections that cause an infection in the throat, nose, and in rare cases, the lungs. Influenza is generally a condition that resolves on its own with minimal complications. However, the severity of influenza ranges from mild to severe, which implies it may be fatal in certain cases. This is especially if the patient suffers from an underlying illness. The number of ...

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How Should I Prepare for Flu Season During COVID-19?

August 24, 2020

" Flu season is a yearly occurrence and it can last for a few months, wreaking havoc across the country. Fall is quickly approaching, which is when the flu season kicks off, lasting throughout the winter until late spring when it ends. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it’s critical to take extra measures to protect yourself during the upcoming flu season, for your doctor to arrive at the correct diagnosis if you become ...

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Preparing Students for Back-to-School During COVID-19

August 12, 2020

" With schools continuing to announce their decisions on how the academic year is going to look, now is the time to begin preparing your child for virtual, in-person and hybrid learning. Making sure your child knows how to be safe if they are put in a school environment will help keep them healthy, as well as the rest of your family.  Follow these steps to begin preparing your child for the upcoming year! Helping your ...

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Does My Cut Need Stitches?

July 8, 2020

" Between trips, skinned knees, kitchen mishaps and minor paper cuts, lacerations can occur at any time and range in severity. Superficial cuts that graze the skin can generally heal on their own, but others may require medical attention and even stitches in order to heal properly and prevent infection. Cuts can also be misleading in terms of their depth, often reaching deeper than they initially appear without an x-ray or examination. If you sustain a ...

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Easy Lifestyle Changes You Can Make This American Heart Month

February 26, 2020

" February is American Heart Month which means it’s the perfect time to make some healthy changes if you missed out on New Year’s resolutions. A heart attack is the leading cause of death among Americans, yet so many people still neglect their heart health. If you want to improve your heart health and lower your risk of heart attack, make these lifestyle changes today!  Reduce Processed Foods Processed foods are popular because they ...

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Christmas Decoration Injuries

November 28, 2019

" Christmas time is a time filled with joy and gifts, but for many unlikely individuals each year, it’s filled with trips to the ER as well. Christmas decorations result in roughly 15,000 ER visits from December to January. With the significant increase in patient volume, doctors have noticed a pattern of some of the most common injuries. Back Injury Back strains are the most common type of back injury seen this time of ...

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How to Keep Your Thanksgiving Cold and Flu-Free

November 23, 2019

" Keep Your Friends and Family Healthy This Holiday Season This Thanksgiving, pass the turkey, not the flu! Illnesses, such as the flu, can be transferred through sneezing, coughing or surface contamination. According to the CDC, germs can live approximately two hours on surfaces such as doorknobs or kitchen counters. With a few preventative steps, your friends and family will be able to relax and focus on the fun and food, rather than worrying about sore ...

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