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Why You Should Wear Sunblock

May 10, 2019

" Sunshine has a way of brightening up the atmosphere and make moods cheery and bright, but too much sun can have a damaging impact on the skin. In the U.S., skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects Americans. While the sun has its benefits, like providing vitamin D, overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet(UV) rays is the most significant cause of concern when it comes to the sun’s ...

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Why Do I Need to Get a Full Night’s Sleep?

April 25, 2019

" Why Do I Need to Get a Full Night’s Sleep? You have only a limited amount of time to devote to certain things each day. Between work, family activities and working around other schedules, you’re racing against the clock from the moment you wake up in the morning until you finally get to sleep at night. Did you know that the amount you sleep can affect your overall health? Getting the right amount ...

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Understanding Stress Relief

April 24, 2019

" Believe it or not, Stress Awareness Month was not an official campaign until 1992. It seems hard to conceive, but stress relief as a term or necessary way to manage the daily hassles and difficulties everyone experiences were not really talked about either. Even if the term has become more and more used in the science and pop culture vernacular, some still have a hard time putting a hard definition and plan of action forward ...

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What Allergies Should I Watch Out for This Spring?

March 31, 2019

" Spring is officially here, which means you may begin to experience a flareup in symptoms from your seasonal allergies both indoors and out. Depending on the weather and your location, you may be more at risk for exposure to specific allergens than others. If you experience allergic reactions during the spring, it is critical to be prepared in order to maintain your health in case of an allergy attack. Pollen One of the most common ...

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How to Tell if Your Cut Needs Stitches

March 31, 2019

" It happens to everyone: a slight misstep while cutting coupons or wrapping a gift, slicing cheese or meat for dinner, or tripping on an uneven sidewalk causing a cut to form on your skin. Cuts are among the most complex of minor injuries, with the care needed to treat them dependent on a number of factors. If you are not sure how major your cut is, visit your local AFC Urgent Care immediately for treatment ...

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Treating Your Child’s Case of Chickenpox

February 28, 2019

" Chickenpox was once one of the most common diseases to affect children and presents as a rash across the body. It is highly contagious until you have contracted the virus and affects most people by adulthood if they were not previously vaccinated as children. It can spread quickly among groups, such as children at school or daycare. If you work in childcare or spend a lot of time around children, you should learn the symptoms ...

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Getting the Right Treatment for a Rash

February 28, 2019

" Rashes are common, and the symptoms and degree are affected by several environmental factors including climate, cleaning products used on your skin and items you come into contact with, the season and stress. While most rashes can be considered superficial, others can be signs of a bigger medical issue or illness. If you develop additional symptoms, you should visit your local urgent care center for assessment by a board-certified doctor. What is a Rash? A ...

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When should you choose Urgent Care over the Emergency Room?

January 17, 2019

" Many patients get confused about differences between “urgent care” and medical emergencies, which can lead to unnecessary long waits and high costs for medical services. Urgent care by its most basic definition is when a patient is experiencing a discomforting illness or painful injury that requires immediate care but does not qualify as a medical emergency. Conversely, a medical emergency is a life threatening situation that requires immediate care in an emergency room (ER). However ...

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Flu Prevention Tips for You and Your Family!

January 13, 2019

" Flu season is in full swing this season, and now is the time to start thinking about ways to prevent the flu in your household. From early fall to mid-winter, cases of influenza begin to spread rapidly in local communities as more individuals stay indoors, the weather cools down, and the virus has more opportunities to spread. Don’t worry though! The flu is highly preventable as long as families do their part in practicing ...

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Occupational Healthcare – Caring for Employees and Employers

November 8, 2018

" Occupational Health refers to the many disciplines devoted to the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace, often concentrating on injury prevention. Even with solid practices in place, accidents do occur, and having an experienced occupational healthcare provider you trust can make all the difference. Workplace injuries can result in lost time, indemnity costs, and lower productivity for an employer. Studies have shown that the same workplace injury can have catastrophic consequences to the ...

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