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When to Visit Urgent Care For a Cold

October 25, 2018

" Flu season can pose a challenge of knowing what you can treat at home and what symptoms require treatment at a medical clinic.  Symptoms of a cold can leave you feeling down on your luck, but it’s nothing a little bedrest can’t fix.  But if you don’t treat your symptoms properly, of they’re getting worse instead of better, you might want to visit urgent care.  With over 200,000 patients being ...

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Food Safety Education Month

September 18, 2018

" Did you know that every year, 1 in 6 Americans get sick from consuming contaminated food? Food poisoning, also called foodborne illness, can be life-threatening, and therefore, it is crucial to follow the CDC’s food safety guidelines when cooking. Food Safety Tips 1. Wash Wash your hands, surfaces you will be using to cook, utensils and cutting boards with hot soapy water. 2. Separate Separate the raw meats, seafood and eggs because they can ...

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Is It a Sprain or a Strain?

August 29, 2018

" Sprains and strains are common injuries that share similar signs and symptoms, but involve different parts of the body. Sprain: an injury to the ligaments, which connect the end of one bone to another Strain: an injury to a muscle of tendon (which attaches muscle to bone) Initial treatment for both injuries includes the RICE method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  By practicing the RICE method, you can treat your injury in the comfort of ...

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5 Reasons to Get Tested for STDs

August 29, 2018

" Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is an important aspect of maintaining your sexual health.  Lots of people have questions about why they should get tested regularly, even if they haven’t been sexually active in a while.  But even if you haven’t had sex in w while, had sex recently, have had unprotected sex,  have a new partner (or more than one partner), or if for any reason you’re worried you ...

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Help Prevent the Spread of Lice

August 28, 2018

" Head lice are tiny parasites that feed on blood from the scalp and reproduce by laying their eggs in the hair. According to the CDC, an estimated 6 million to 12 million infestations occur each year in the United States among children 3 to 11 years of age. Because lice spread easily through direct contact, they are commonly found in schoolchildren and often spread to families through contact and play. Symptoms: It can take up ...

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Grilling Good Times With Safety on the Menu

August 22, 2018

" Alarm clock inside a plate School is back in session, and we know that can mean (organized) chaos! It may be difficult to get your child fed and out the door in time, but it is crucial for development, both mentally and physically, that children receive proper nutrition throughout the school day. Breakfast keeps your child energized, full and ready to absorb knowledge. Mornings can be a time crunch, but that is no excuse to ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito’s This Summer

July 20, 2018

" Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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Poison Ivy: Signs, Symptoms and Precautions

June 27, 2018

" Poison ivy is the most common allergy in the United States, affecting about 50 million people every year. The rash from poison ivy is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol, an oily substance in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, through direct contact. Urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison sumac, which means the rash can be contracted by interacting with any of the three plants. Other than direct contact ...

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The Nose Knows When It Comes To Seasonal Allergies

May 30, 2018

" When it comes to treating your seasonal allergies with home remedies, there’s usually more fiction than fact. There are healing claims about everything from apple cider vinegar to local bee pollen. The doctors at American Family Care understand that not everyone wants to grab a drug off of the pharmacy counter, but people want to be able to breathe too! So are there any proven natural remedies that the doctors here at AFC can ...

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Is It A Cold or Allergies: A Worried Parent’s Guide

May 21, 2018

" Life might be easier if kids came with an instruction book. Most parents usually have enough questions to fill one and it can be extra difficult when your child is looking to you for answers and you don’t have any. That is especially true when they don’t feel good. All they want is for you to “fix it and make it better” but that’s hard to do when you aren’t so ...

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