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Talk to Your Kids About Flu Prevention

January 5, 2018

" Parents are being warned that their sweet little angels may actually be the face behind the flu. For a number of reasons, young children are generally more likely to spread the virus than are adults. Children usually have more contact with others, are undeniable germ magnets and tend have weaker immune systems, making them easy targets for the ruthless influenza virus. In addition to their natural susceptibility, only one in four children receives an annual ...

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Stop the Flu in its Tracks

January 5, 2018

" ‘Tis the season . . . don’t worry: we know that the holidays have passed, but flu season is still in full swing! In fact, it is reported that during in the 2017-2018 season flu activity has been greater than in prior years. That’s why it’s critical for people to be on the lookout for flu signs and symptoms. Obviously, our goal at American Family Care is to help everyone stay healthy and avoid the ...

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Are Extra Pounds Weighing Down Your Immune System?

January 5, 2018

It probably comes as no surprise that losing weight and getting healthy is high on the list when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. And like so many promises we make to ourselves, it’s usually easier said than done. At American Family Care, we see the effects of obesity every day. High blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are all commonly known side effects of obesity. But what might surprise you is the ...

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5 Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter Sports

December 18, 2017

" Winter sports are fun but not always the safest activities. If you imagine yourself careening down a hill towards another skier or skating on the rink and then getting nailed by a hockey puck – well, you can probably see how and why plenty of cold-weather athletes wind up seeing a doctor unexpectedly. And you don’t have to imagine. Statistics make it clear how dangerous winter sports can be. According to the U.S. Consumer ...

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How to Prepare for Inclement Weather

December 7, 2017

" A storm is brewing. Are you ready? Even if you’re reading this when the skies are sunny and blue, chances are, sooner or later, you’re going to be confronted with inclement weather. Maybe you live in a part of the country that’s visited by hurricanes or tornadoes. Perhaps you live in a snowbelt. If you’re in the West, maybe wildfires, earthquakes or dust storms are your concern. Whatever your variety of ...

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Protect Yourself from the Flu During National Influenza Vaccination Week

December 5, 2017

" The holiday season has already started, and so has flu season. That’s why the CDC has designated the week of December 4 – 10, 2016, as National Influenza Vaccination Week. Once November ends and the holiday season starts, people tend to forget about getting their flu shot. In fact, research from past flu seasons has shown that very few people get a flu shot after the end of November. And not only that, but last ...

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Grow a ‘Mo and Save a Bro This “Movember”

November 15, 2017

" If you visit AFC Urgent Care this November, you might notice some of our male associates rocking a different look. In fact, you might begin noticing men around your town developing a sudden fondness for facial hair — particularly the moustache. It’s no coincidence that men are suddenly sporting an upper lip with zip this November. That’s because there’s a global movement to recognize November as “Movember,” and it’s all for a ...

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New Year, New Health Goals

November 12, 2017

" At the start of every new year, we all make resolutions to improve our health and our daily lives. But often, in the hustle and bustle of the new year, we end up forgetting or neglecting our resolutions, and which makes our goals that much harder to accomplish. This year, why not break from that pattern, and choose resolutions that will have a big impact on your life without taking an enormous effort? Choosing high-impact ...

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National Diabetes Month

November 12, 2017

" November is National Diabetes Month, an event designed to bring attention to diabetes and the impact this disease has every day on millions of Americans. According to the American Diabetes Association®, Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. In 2015, 30.3 million Americans suffered from diabetes, and approximately 1.5 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in America alone. While there is no cure for diabetes yet, there ...

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Winter Is Coming…And So Is Flu Season

October 31, 2017

" The colder months are nearly here, which means it’s time to prepare yourself to fight against the flu. Catching the flu is quite a taxing ordeal, almost always resulting in having to call out sick from work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has done studies that show there is a notable spike in illness-related work absences each year during flu season. Get Your Flu Shot Failing to get your flu shot is setting yourself ...

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