Achew! Did I Catch COVID-19 Or Is It Spring Allergies?

March 6, 2023

Woman sneezes and wonders if she has COVID-19 or Spring Allergies? AFC Urgent Care Marlborough Treats Spring Allergies

Winter has come to an end and spring appears to have sprung early. What does that mean? Well, it potentially means we’re headed into a severe spring allergy season. Due to the warm winter, we’re expecting the pollen levels to be heavier and longer lasting. 

With that being said, you’re probably going to experience or notice others sneeze, wheeze or have runny noses and other and other bothersome symptoms. On top of that, COVID-19 is still lingering and there can be confusion because new variants may or may not present the same symptoms. “So, Is it allergies or is it COVID-19?”. Let’s find out, together! 

AFC Urgent Care Marlborough has created a guide to help you this spring so you can enjoy the warm weather without being confused or worried about the overlapping symptoms with other illnesses such as COVID-19.

Spring Allergies Came Early This Year

Pollen is an airborne allergen that can affect our health. Pollen grains are tiny “seeds” dispersed from flowering plants, trees, grass, and weeds. The amount and type of pollen in the air depends on the season and geographic region. Pollen exposure can trigger various allergic reactions, including symptoms of hay fever. Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, occurs when allergens like pollen enter your body and your immune system mistakenly identifies them as a threat.

 People with respiratory illnesses like asthma may be more sensitive to pollen. Exposure to pollen has been linked to asthma attacks and increases in hospital admissions for respiratory illness.

How Do I Reduce My Allergy And Asthma Triggers? 

Here are some tips in reducing the unwanted allergy triggers.

  • Stay indoors on dry, windy days. The best time to go outside is after a good rain, which helps clear pollen from the air.
  • Avoid lawn mowing, weed pulling and other gardening chores that stir up allergens.
  • Remove clothes you've worn outside and shower to rinse pollen from your skin and hair.
  • Don't hang laundry outside — pollen can stick to sheets and towels.
  • Wear a face mask if you do outside chores.

If you want to take extra precaution, you may want to check your tv or the internet for the pollen levels. Checking this on a daily basis can help you take an extra step towards fighting the spring allergies this season. Here are some home tips in reducing the triggers:

You can try any of these tips for alleviating and avoiding allergy triggers:

  • Limit pollen exposure by avoiding outdoors when pollen count is really high
  • Rinse your nasal passage
  • Reduce indoor allergen exposure by doing spring cleaning
  • Shower immediately when coming home from the outdoors. Pollen could be on your clothes.
  • Stock up on over the counter allergy medications including inhalers for those of you who are asthmatic!
  • Get extra refills for inhalers if your asthmatic
  • Close windows on days where the pollen count is really high

Get Treated For Spring Allergies And Asthma At AFC Urgent Care Marlborough

With no appointment needed, but they are also welcomed, you can visit AFC Urgent Care Marlborough any day of the week. Our providers are ready to help treat you for symptoms of allergies and asthma.

You can also rule out COVID by getting tested for it, too. We offer rapid antigen and rapid molecular testing by appointment or by walking-in. Have peace of mind by ruling out other illnesses and treating your spring allergies and asthma so can enjoy the spring season!

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