5 Foods That Help Fight Stress

April 15, 2016

April marks National Stress Awareness Month. The goal of this initiative is to educate people about the perils of stress and to enlighten people about different practices that may help alleviate stress. Stress often derives from the workplace or classroom for many people, as they may be overworked or underpaid. While solutions for these issues are hard to come by, there are some easy lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your stress levels. Exercise ...

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Why Your Child Should Get a Sports Physical Every Year

April 8, 2016

" It’s early spring, which means it’s time for all young athletes to get ready to join their teams to compete in the spring, summer or fall. According to a report Sports and Fitness Industry Association, about 21.47 million children in the United States participate in organized sports, which comes to about 75 percent of boys and 69 percent of girls. One essential step in your preparation for your sport of choice should ...

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The Healthiest Foods on Earth

April 7, 2016

Advertisers will tell you “superfoods” will prevent every disease, illness, and affliction known to mankind, when in reality, it’s all an over-exaggeration. However, there are certain foods that are considerably healthier than others. What establishes these foods above the rest is that they’re all extremely nutrient-rich, which legitimately does help prevent a number of different illnesses. These foods includes: Salmon Salmon is known for its concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, which researchers suggest ...

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April is Medication Safety Month

April 1, 2016

Medicine is probably one of mankind’s biggest accomplishments. It can be listed up there with farming, electricity and the microchip as one of the advances that fundamentally changed how people lived, mainly because it gave us power over our own bodies that we had never had before. It might seem counterintuitive to think that medications could ever hurt us, but the reality is that medication misuse and adverse reactions cause more than 700,000 ...

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We're Co-Hosting This Year's Methuen Restaurant Week

March 30, 2016

  Last year, AFC Urgent Care Methuen had the pleasure of hosting Methuen’s Annual Restaurant Week, which aims to celebrate our city’s rich supply of delicious eateries. This year, along with Century 21 McLennan and Co., we were back to host another, which began on March 27th and will end on April 2nd.   To kick off the week, our very own center admin, Lisa Williams, joined the mayor on his nightly TV program to ...

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Drop the Cabbage Soup! Why Crash Diets Don’t Work

March 25, 2016

Summer is fast approaching, which means it will be time to get out the bathing suits and short shorts! Who doesn’t begin to feel a little insecure after a long winter of bundling up? But before you start getting ready to bare your “bikini body” on the beach, AFC/Doctors Express wants to know: how do you feel about crash diets? For those who have never tried one, a crash diet is when you ...

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Let's Make This March Madness a Healthy One

March 22, 2016

March Madness started just five days ago, yet, by now, just about everybody’s bracket has already fallen apart. Last Thursday, 64 teams were alive at the beginning of the tournament, but as it stands today, there are only 16 teams remaining. While over half of the tournament’s games have already been played, the National Championship game isn’t until April 4th. This leaves us with plenty more basketball. For college basketball fans, this ...

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How to Keep Your Spring Allergies Under Control

March 21, 2016

Spring has sprung, and telltale sniffles are beginning to fill the air. For some people, this beautiful season is nothing but misery, due to the constant sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes and countless other exhausting symptoms. Seasonal allergies affect as many as 50 million Americans, and it’s not just a mild annoyance. As many as 55 percent of workers report calling in sick at work because of allergies. There are many ways to avoid the ...

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3 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Us For Occupational Health

March 14, 2016

" Earlier during the week, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced that this year, National Small Business Week will begin on May 1st. The initiative serves to educate the county about the contributions made by small businesses and its importance to the nation’s economy. We at AFC Urgent Care Methuen recognize the impact small business has on this county, and thus, prioritize serving small business owners with the utmost integrity. Our center offers a ...

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Why Binge Drinking Is Harmful to Your Health

March 11, 2016

" St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, and those celebrations bring green beer and pub crawls. This St. Patrick’s Day, the team of physicians at your local AFC/Doctors Express wants to raise your awareness of binge drinking and the harmful effects that it may have on your health. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking is defined as a pattern of drinking that brings the blood ...

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