What We Treat: Bronchitis

December 11, 2015

Bronchitis is an aggravating illness that derives from an inflammation in the bronchial tubes. While bronchitis can often be attributed to smoking, there can be an array of possible causes. Everybody can contract bronchitis, since even just breathing in polluted air or harmful gases can cause bronchitis. Acute bronchitis typically lasts no longer than two weeks and has less-severe symptoms than chronic bronchitis, which due to its reoccurring nature, can lead to some dangerous complications ...

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What We Treat: Pneumonia

December 2, 2015

" Pneumonia is a lung infection, which induces symptoms ranging from moderate to severe. People 1 year or older are at-risk to contracting it, but infants and older patients tend to be the most susceptible. There are two major types of Pneumonia: the general Pneumonia infection and the less-potent strand, referred to as “Walking Pneumonia”. Walking Pneumonia is most prevalent in children and young adults, as they’re generally confined to schools, which are typically crawling ...

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Holiday Party Survival Guide

November 30, 2015

This year, about 50 percent of people in the United States will attend at least one holiday party.  For about half of us, our employer will host a party for us. About 20 percent of us will even host our own. With those numbers, it’s easy to see a lot of potential pitfalls ahead. So don’t let yourself get caught off-guard, read this guide to see how AFC Urgent Care can keep you ...

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Mayor Elects Lisa Williams Grand Marshal of Santa Parade

November 30, 2015

Each year Santa arrives just a little earlier in Methuen than he does everywhere else. On Saturday, November 21st, we here at AFC Urgent Care Methuen had the honor of participating in Methuen’s annual Santa Parade. As active members of the Methuen community, the Santa Parade is always a joyous occasion for us. This year was especially joyous as our very own Managing Director, Lisa Williams, was selected to be the Santa Parade’s ...

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What We Treat: Abdominal Pain

November 25, 2015

Abdominal pain can be attributed to a number of different factors – most of which aren’t too serious. However, pain in the abdominal region could indicate that there is in fact a serious injury or illness at work. The faster these injuries or illnesses get diagnosed, the faster they can get treated. That’s why it’s important to visit a physician right away if you’re experiencing any abdominal pains. Even if it just ...

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Be Thankful for Your Health

November 20, 2015

Turkey, pumpkin pie, loved ones and gratitude are hallmarks of the season. We sit around the table, poised to dive into tempting treats, and talk about our comfortable homes or new jobs or time spent with family. We are thankful. Being thankful means pausing to think about what is important in our lives, as well as why these things are important in our lives. As the words “I’m thankful for my health” cross your ...

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What We Treat: The Flu

November 19, 2015

" Influenza, or the flu, targets the body’s nasal passages, larynx and sinuses. It’s because the flu attacks these regions of the respiratory tract why people associate the flu and the common cold – as they share many of the same symptoms. Depending on the strain of the influenza virus, symptoms range anywhere between mild and severe. This means patients could experience anything from mere cold symptoms to frequent vomiting. Regardless of the virus’ severity ...

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Six Things You Need to Fight the Office Flu

November 13, 2015

If ever there were a time during the year that all workers dread, it has to be flu season. Sniffling coworkers, wheezing kids and running out of tissues or hand sanitizer can make the months of flu season extremely stressful, even if you’re one of the lucky ones who remains healthy. Every year, American businesses lose billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity. Experts estimate the economy will lose about about $20 ...

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How to Solve Your Winter Skin Problems

November 12, 2015

The weather outside is getting frightful, which must mean we’ve entered the winter season. For people with all skin types, it can be a lot more challenging to keep skin healthy and moisturized in the cold, unforgiving air outside and the dry, punishing heat inside. Your skin is your body’s first line of defense when it comes to preventing illness, so keeping it healthy can directly influence how you feel all winter long ...

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November is American Diabetes Month

November 9, 2015

  Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. One out of every 11 Americans has diabetes, and 86 million more are pre-diabetic. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the United States spends about $245 million every year on health care for people with diabetes, and recent projections have determined that as many as one in every three adults will have diabetes by 2050 if nothing changes. Type 2 ...

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