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Cold Weather Dangers

February 25, 2015

As temperatures plunge into dangerous territory, hitting unexpected extremes even for February, we at AFC Urgent Care want to remind you that cold weather comes with its own set of dangers. Along with general discomfort from those blustery winds and freezing temperatures, frostbite and hypothermia are very real risks, particularly to older people and the homeless. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, more than half of all hypothermia-related deaths occur in people 65 ...

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What We Treat: Fever

February 7, 2015

" When somebody has a fever, it generally means that something has gone awry in their body. A fever, in-and-of-itself, is not one specific illness; it’s merely a symptom of what could be any number of things. In fact, fevers are one of the body’s natural defense mechanisms that serves to combat other, more severe symptoms. It also notifies you when something needs attention. In this way, it’s similar to pain in that ...

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Common Winter Health Complaints

February 5, 2015

February can be a bleak month, filled with gray, dreary days and chilly, blustery nights. While the chill in the air can’t be blamed for bugs going around the office or school, the cold itself can irritate the body, causing minor ailments. Each winter season, doctors here at AFC Urgent Care find more and more patients complaining of some common winter issues, in addition to colds and flu. Topping the list of patient complaints ...

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