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Make Your Own Back-to-School Health Kit

August 24, 2016

When your child returns to school, it can often mean a renewed exposure to germs and possible injuries. AFC Urgent Care has a tried and true list of recommendations to keep your kids healthy, even when they aren’t with you. Here is our back-to-school health kit, a complete list of the portable tools and items that can make the school day much healthier, without much effort on your part. This health kit can fit ...

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Back To School Health Checklist

August 17, 2016

Summer’s down to its twilight hours as there are just two more weeks until school begins again. This means it’s time for us to slowly transition back to the school season mentality. Therefore, we at AFC Doctors Express Urgent Care Methuen have prepared a back to school checklist that parents and children alike should consult prior to the return to school. Backpack Tips Pack light – lockers exist for a reason! Arrange the straps ...

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It’s Time for Your Back-to-School Immunizations

August 8, 2016

Vaccinations are one of the biggest public health innovations in history. Because of the myriad vaccines we have available, we have completely or nearly eliminated several devastating diseases, saving countless lives in the process. Diseases like measles, mumps, whooping cough and chickenpox can be debilitating, or even fatal. In order to keep your children — and other students— healthy, you must ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date before school starts. AFC Urgent Care is there for you ...

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