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What to Do if You're Sick With the Flu

December 19, 2016

Fever, chills and body aches? Could you have the flu? October through March is when most cases of the flu occur, or, when flu season happens every year. With flu season tending to peak anytime from December to January each year, your odds of getting the flu are higher during these months. If you have the flu, there are some things you can do to help yourself get better, but first, you should know the ...

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It's Not Too Late To Get Your Flu Shot!

December 12, 2016

By December, many people feel like it’s too late to get their flu shot. Flu season has started, and if they didn’t get their flu shot in the fall, they’re certainly not going to find time for it during the busy holiday season. But the truth is, as long as people are still getting sick with the flu, people should still be getting the flu shot. If you haven’t gotten your ...

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