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Are Vitamin IV's Worth the Hype?

January 23, 2019

What if you could cure your hangover in less than an hour? Or find a boost of energy you’ve been missing, with a side of mental clarity? That probably sounds too good to be true, but those supporting the new trend of vitamin IV’s claim it’s possible! From celebrities to young business moguls on the go, vitamin IV’s are quickly gaining popularity. Before you jump on the bandwagon and make an ...

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Detecting a Heart Attack in Women

January 23, 2019

There’s an old stereotype that only men suffer from heart attacks. Not only is this a false stereotype to believe, but it’s very harmful as well. Many women don’t understand that they’re at risk of a heart attack or they don’t know what the potential symptoms may be. Before a heart attack can be found or treated by a doctor, women need to know what signs could be a warning ...

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