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Getting Treatment for Acute Respiratory Sickness at Urgent Care

December 20, 2019

If you have experienced any sort of respiratory infection or ailment, you know just how debilitating and uncomfortable it can be. No one wants to go through their day sniffling, sneezing, and feeling light-headed. But when do these symptoms require medical attention, and where should you go? Find out these answers and more below.  What Is Acute Respiratory Sickness? Acute respiratory sickness is any sort of infection or ailment that affects the respiratory system. In ...

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What Does an Urgent Care Center Provide a Patient That an Emergency Room Can’t?

December 20, 2019

Many people don’t understand the differences between an urgent care center and an emergency room. You might think they are interchangeable and that both equally suit your needs; however, there are a few key differences that make one a better option than the other depending on your health concerns. Which one costs more? Do either accept health insurance? Where can you be seen by a doctor most quickly? Find the answers to these questions ...

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