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How a Workplace Flu Clinic Can Benefit Your Business

October 21, 2019

A workplace flu clinic is an option that some business owners have turned to as an investment to help not just their staff, but the company as a whole. A workplace flu clinic provides your employees free access to their annual flu shot without even leaving the workplace! Before you decide it isn’t worth the cost, take some time to consider all of the great benefits a workplace flu clinic could provide to your business. 

Keeping Your Staff Healthy 

The health of your staff should be your top priority, especially during flu season. When illness strikes one or two employees it will quickly spread and you’ll be left with a business struggling to function.

A workplace clinic shows your staff just how important their health is to you, as well as the health of their families waiting for them at home! If an employee catches the flu at work, they’ll be exposing their loved ones after the work days comes to a close. When you work to keep your staff healthy, their morale will show it!

Improving Productivity 

Employees that continue to work despite being ill are not as effective as healthy employees. Some symptoms of the flu that would impact productivity include fatigue, headache, inability to focus, fever, and much more!

Vaccinating your employees ensures they’ll be able to remain productive all the way through the peak flu season. The improved morale we mentioned before will aide even more towards great productivity all winter long. 

Cutting Losses 

When an employee has the flu and decides to call off rather than coming to work with decreased productivity, the company faces a loss. The amount of work your business is able to get done will plummet as employees call off, resulting in a big loss of profit for that quarter.

Some employees may even become so ill that they require hospitalization, causing a much bigger and longer hit to your profit margins. 

If you’re interested in offering a workplace flu clinic to your employees, contact a local urgent care center. The flu shot should be covered by your current employee health plan, so the cost will be much lower than you think! T

he convenience of the flu shot being available at work gives employees no reason not to vaccinate and increases your odds of preventing a flu outbreak within your business. Encourage your employees to practice proper handwashing and hygiene in addition to receiving their flu shot at work this year!


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