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How Can You Tell if You Have a Thyroid Problem?

January 26, 2021

Thyroid problems can show up from an overactive gland (hyperthyroidism) or an underactive gland (hypothyroidism). 1 out of every 8 women is affected by thyroid issues, leaving them more prone than men. If you are experiencing any symptoms or just want to check on your general health, visit AFC Urgent Care Methuen. Our providers can answer any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

Symptoms of a Thyroid Problem


Hyperthyroidism happens when your thyroid gland makes too many hormones. This can look like:

  • Sudden loss of weight
  • Fast or uneven heartbeat
  • Trembling in hands or fingers
  • Sweating or sensitivity to heat
  • Changes in your period
  • Fatigue, but have trouble sleeping

These symptoms can also be the result of another injury or illness, so it would be difficult to self-diagnose based on these alone. It’s important to let your doctor know of any changes you have noticed whenever going for a routine check-up.


An underactive thyroid leads to your body slowing the progress of certain functions. This can include:

  • Feeling cold
  • Getting tired more easily
  • Feeling down or depressed
  • Dry skin
  • Weight gain

Since the thyroid produces hormones that help control your metabolism, your weight will fluctuate depending on if it is over or underactive. These symptoms are not enough to know if you have a thyroid problem. You may only experience some of the symptoms in various ranges of severity. A blood test is conducted to test the hormone level of your thyroid. This will give doctors a more precise understanding.

Treatment Options

With hypothyroidism, an oral medication can be used to help restore the proper amount of hormones to your body. Symptoms will likely start to subside quickly after treatment begins, but this treatment may be lifelong. Annual tests of the hormone level will need to be conducted to see how the medication is working with your body.

To combat hyperthyroidism, medications will be needed to stop the excess production of a hormone. This can be done through medication, iodine, or surgery in some cases. Maintaining a healthy diet and getting exercise can help control the production of hormones and will keep you healthy.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Methuen for Routine Check-ups

Blood work can be conducted to test the levels of your thyroid hormones to see if that is the root of the issue. Visit AFC Urgent Care Methuen for any blood work you may need to make your health a priority.


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