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How to Manage Stress in January

January 23, 2020

January is a time for new beginnings and many people find themselves filled with motivation as the New Year begins. From stress at work, with family and friends, and the stress we put on ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Even though you may be used to feeling stressed out in January, you don’t have to keep that tradition alive this year! Check out these tips that will help you manage your stress even on the worst days. 

Set a Budget

One of the biggest causes of stress after the holidays is money. The best way to not stress about money is to set a budget and stick to it. Write out a list of everything you HAVE to spend money on, like bills, and create another list of everything you WANT to spend money on.

Spend what you have to spend first, then see what’s leftover for the things that you want. Ideally, you’ll continue this trend of budgeting all year round and into the next holiday season. Budgeting before and during the holidays will make January much less stressful! 

Keep Realistic Expectations for Yourself

It’s important to remember that you’re only one person and there are only so many hours in the day. After a busy holiday season, January is a good time to cut back your obligations and be realistic about the amount of time and energy you’ve got to spare. You should also be realistic when you’re setting those New Year’s resolutions.

Instead of saying you’ll lose 50 pounds this year, say you’ll begin eating more whole foods and drinking more water. This type of resolution is much easier to follow and won’t leave you feeling like you failed if you don’t lose 50 pounds. 

Make “Me” Time 

Stress is unavoidable but making the stress more manageable is something you can control. Set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour each day for “me” time. Use this time to whatever you enjoy that makes you feel relaxed. Read a book, listen to music, or even just watch your favorite show! This time helps you to decompress before it’s time to handle the next stressful day. 

Stress can lead to both acute and chronic health conditions if it isn’t managed properly. Visit your local urgent care to learn more about your current health status, or to get treated when an injury or illness occurs. 


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