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How to Plan Healthy Fall Activities with the Family!

September 16, 2019

Now that the temperatures are dropping and being outside is more bearable, you can consider spending more time outside with your family. 

If you’re looking for some healthy, active, and safe fall activities for the whole family, we’ve got you covered with a few ideas. The list below can help families get the care they need ASAP! And as always, make sure that you visit AFC Urgent Care Methuen for flu shots, seasonal illness treatment, and injury care!

Here are some ideas for outdoor activities your whole family will enjoy this season:

Nature hikes

Hiking at any time of year can be wonderful, but the changing colors of the leaves makes the autumn season particularly attractive for this activity. Instead of using this as cardio time, consider enjoying the sights and focus on spending unplugged quality time with your family instead. You can even bring the family dog along on this one!

Apple or pumpkin picking

Because apple and pumpkin picking are such fond memories, people often don’t recall how much physical work those activities actually are. 

Many apple orchards and pumpkin patches also offer other activities such as bounce houses and petting zoos. All of the walking and spending time outdoors is especially great for your family.

These activities are also great to encourage young children to choose healthier snacks. What child doesn’t want to bite into an apple they picked themselves?

Do a corn maze or haunted trail

Depending on your family’s interests and ages, you might consider a corn maze or haunted trail. These are unique opportunities to get extra steps in without concentrating on that aspect. A quick Google search will pull up corn mazes and haunted trails in your area.

Play football

Everyone knows that fall is synonymous with football season in some households. Get some family or friends together to play touch football. This is a great bonding experience as well as a workout.

Rake up those leaves!

Instead of pulling out the leaf blower, grab a rake instead. Rake up piles of leaves and let the kids jump around in them. When they are finished playing, then you can use your leaf blower to actually clean up the lawn. It’s a workout for you and the children – a win, win!

Visit a farmer’s market

Similar to some of the activities above, this one combines a bit of walking as well as a component for teaching your children about healthy foods. However, fall is the best time to visit the farmer’s market, so definitely add it to your list. 

In addition to these fall activities, make sure you maintain your health by eating a variety of nutritious foods and visiting your urgent care center for any illnesses or injuries that occur this season. 


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