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Tips to Avoid Back Pain

March 26, 2019

Are you one of many American’s suffering from back pain? If you aren’t hurting now, you likely have in the past. Back pain is one of the most commonly reported health issues. From chronic pain to temporary pain brought on by an acute injury, our backs sure do cause a lot of problems. You know what they say, prevention is the best medicine! That’s why we’re going to share some tips and tricks to avoid back pain before it occurs.

Lose the Heels

We know, a cute pair of high heels is a great way to complete any outfit. Unfortunately, they also quickly lead to back pain. Shoes with more than a one-inch heel put pressure on your lower back that will lead to inflammation and pain. Instead of uncomfortable heels, opt for a pair of supportive flats. If you have a job that requires heels, take them off once you’re at your desk or until you absolutely have to put them on and try to keep the heel as short as possible.

Quit Smoking

As if you needed another reason to quit! That’s right, smoking can lead to back pain. The harmful chemicals found in cigarettes can lead to osteoporosis of the spine, as well as weaker muscles and joints overall. To make quitting more comfortable, try to replace the habit with a healthy alternative. If you usually have a cigarette after dinner or before bed, try to go for a walk instead! Find a healthy way to destress that won’t put an unnecessary strain on your body.

Make Healthy Choices

There are many unhealthy choices we make each day that lead to excess weight gain. Not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep, unhealthy food choices, and a lack of exercise are some of the most common causes of excess weight being carried around. That weight can negatively impact your health in many ways, but back pain is one of them! The extra weight puts a strain on your muscles, bones, and joints each day. Even losing a small amount of weight can have a significant impact on how your body feels. Work towards creating healthy habits and focus on what makes you feel good. With time, the weight will begin to fall off before you even know it! It’s important to make changes for your overall health, not for a quick fix to lose twenty pounds. Making healthy choices for the wrong reasons will quickly lead you back to your unhealthy habits.
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