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What We Treat: Strep Throat

February 18, 2016


Along with a host of other illnesses, strep throat is most prevalent during winter. Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by the Streptococcus bacteria. While most strep cases are found in children, adults can develop strep throat as well. The infection is highly contagious as it spreads person-to-person via saliva.
If a person with strep throat coughs near a doorknob, anyone who touches that doorknob could be susceptible to contracting strep throat.
Strep throat’s symptoms include:

  • Fever above 101°F
  • Cold/Flu symptoms
  • White/yellow spots visible on the throat
  • Lingering sore throat – aggravated by swallowing/coughing
  • Swollen tonsils/lymph nodes

Strep throat is diagnosed by a physician administering a strep test. At AFC Urgent Care Methuen, we provide strep testing on a walk-in basis. After swabbing the patient’s throat, we take that sample down to our on-site lab, where we can identify if the Streptococcus bacteria is present. From there, our board-certified physicians will treat our patients by prescribing them antibiotics. While the immune system is capable of fighting off the infection on its own, antibiotics will help expedite the healing process.
If you wish to take advantage of our services, feel free to visit us anytime during business hours – with no appointment or referral necessary! To speak with one of our medical professionals, call us at 978-975-0700.
We look forward to helping you get through this winter strep-free!



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