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AFC Methuen Community Events in Methuen, MA & Salem, NH | AFC Urgent Care Methuen

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Book your virtual visit M - F: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


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In the Community in Methuen at AFC Urgent Care

AFC Urgent Care Methuen in the Community

The Methuen community has been incredibly supportive and welcoming of us, so it is our goal to continuously give back to Methuen’s local groups and organizations! Here is a list of the donations made by AFC Urgent Care Methuen:
Merrimack Valley

  • $250.00 to the YMCA Golf Tournament
  • Sponsor of the Merrimack Valley Relay for Life


  • Co-Sponsored the 2015 Methuen Summer Movie Series – For the second year, AFC Urgent Care co-sponsored a Summer Movie Series, allowing the City to purchase the licenses to show a free, outdoor movie to residents on a large screen. Movies have included The Wizard of Oz, Ghost Busters, and Frozen!
  • Co-Sponsoring the 2016 Methuen Free Summer Movie Series – Each Thursday in July, families will be treated to a free movie including classics like Back to the Future and (new classics) such Inside Out.
  • Co-Sponsored 2016 Methuen Restaurant Week – AFC Urgent Care Co-Sponsorship allowed for the City to host a Restaurant Week that would be free for businesses to participate in.
  • Co-Sponsored 2017 Methuen Restaurant Week – Donated money and support to Methuen Restaurant Week, which celebrates the rich culinary atmosphere perpetuated by the diverse and delicious restaurants, cafés, pubs and bakeries in the city of Methuen.
  • Co-Sponsored the Methuen Italian Festival – Teamed up with the Sons of Italy to put on a community event that included games, crafters, vendors and a celebration of Italian-American culture.
  • Donated funds for the Nevins Memorial Library to purchase health care-related books for children.
  • Donated $1,500 to the North Andover High School Senior Scholarship (2018).
  • Sponsored $2,500 for the 2018 Methuen Restaurant Week.
  • Sponsored $1000 for the 2018 Relay for Life event.
  • Donated$1,000 to the 2018 Methuen Alumni Association Sponsorship.
  • Donated $500 to the Methuen Police Association (2018).
  • Sponsored $200 for the 2018 North Andover Wrestling Championship.
  • Donated water for the 2018 Special Olympics at North Andover High School.
  • Donated cases of water for North Andover’s Race Amity Day.
  • Donated waters for the Thomson School Fun Run.
  • Donated funds to support the Franklin School PTO’s end of year appreciation luncheon for school staff.


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