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Do Rashes Spread?

June 15, 2021

We all know that rashes are certainly uncomfortable to experience, but is there a chance that whatever rash you’re dealing with can be spread to other people? It’s possible, and our AFC Urgent Care Monroe Road team further explains below. Are Skin Rashes Contagious? Some skin rashes are contagious, but not all of them are. Also, this question is kind of a tricky one because the definition of contagious depends on whether the ...

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How to Tell If Your Laceration Needs Professional Medical Care

June 1, 2021

Basic cuts and scratches are easy to know what to do with, but what about deeper lacerations? How are you supposed to know if a wound is serious enough to go to the doctor for it? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Monroe Road helps answer those questions below, so keep reading. Here’s what to do: First, look at how deep and wide the laceration is. You should seek medical attention if the wound ...

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