What Kinds of Complications Does Mesenteric Adenitis Cause?

June 15, 2022

Mesenteric lymphadenitis (more commonly known as mesenteric adenitis) is not an overly concerning condition. It usually only occurs among children and young teens, and it typically goes away on its own within a few days or few weeks. Just like with pretty much any condition, though, it can cause concerning symptoms in rare cases. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Mooresville team. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis? Mesenteric adenitis refers to the ...

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How Can I Know If a Bug Bite Is Infected?

June 1, 2022

Bug bites happen all the time in the spring and summer. Even if you didn’t mean to disturb a bee or wasp, they’re tough to avoid if you spend an extended amount of time outdoors during warm weather. That said, most bug bites are relatively harmless. There are some cases, though, in which they can cause some concern. Our AFC Urgent Care Mooresville team explains below, so keep reading! What Bug Bit Me ...

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