Ensuring Your Health When Traveling Abroad: Travel Vaccines & Check-ups at AFC Urgent Care Natick

July 1, 2024

  Planning an international adventure is exhilarating, full of dreams of exploring new cultures, savoring exotic foods, and creating lasting memories. However, amidst the excitement, prioritizing your health is crucial. AFC Urgent Care Natick emphasizes the importance of travel vaccinations and check-ups to ensure you're prepared for a safe and healthy journey. 1. Protect Yourself with Essential Travel Vaccines AFC Urgent Care Natick provides vital travel vaccinations that protect against diseases prevalent in your destination ...

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Taking On the Challenges of Men's Health Month: Encouraging Men to Prioritize Preventive Care

June 1, 2024

As June arrives, so does Men's Health Month, providing a crucial opportunity to reflect on the various ways men can improve their well-being. It's important to acknowledge the specific health obstacles that men face, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, cardiovascular disease, and workplace injuries, which affect millions of lives annually. Additionally, men are disproportionately affected by workplace injuries and fatalities compared to women. Now is the perfect time to motivate men to place ...

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Dear Deer Tick, This Season We Want To Avoid You and Your Nasty Lyme Disease!

April 14, 2024

Dear Deer Tick: You're not exactly our favorite creature. In fact, we despise you. Why? Because along with your tiny size comes a big problem: Lyme disease. It's not a pleasant gift you deliver when you latch onto us. But here's the thing, we're not alone in our dislike for you. Deer ticks and people? Well, we just don't mesh well. While we humans love our outdoor adventures and hiking ...

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Practicing Safer Sex: STD And STI 101 And How To Avoid Contracting One

April 1, 2024

In today's world, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs) pose prevalent health concerns that necessitate attention and proactive management. At AFC Urgent Care Natick, we recognize the significance of addressing these concerns and providing accessible testing services to our community. To further aid in understanding the importance of STD and STI testing, AFC Urgent Care Natick has compiled a comprehensive guide along with strategies for prevention. Recognizing the Risks Each year, millions of ...

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National Kidney Awareness Month: A Deep Dive into Kidney Health

February 27, 2024

March heralds the onset of National Kidney Awareness Month, an occasion to shine a spotlight on the intricacies of kidney health—a cornerstone of our overall well-being. This month provides an invaluable opportunity to explore the multifaceted dimensions of kidney function, ranging from recognizing the risks and symptoms of kidney-related ailments to acknowledging the tireless dedication of our kidneys in maintaining our vitality. AFC Urgent Care Natick is committed to fostering awareness of kidney health ...

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Should You Use Ice or Heat for Gout Relief?

February 26, 2024

Should You Use Ice or Heat for Gout Relief? Are you wondering if you should use ice or heat for gout relief? Both ice and heat therapies can be utilized for managing pain and inflammation; however, cold therapy is likely the best choice for managing pain and inflammation during a gout flare. Gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis, can cause excruciating pain and discomfort during flare-ups. This condition, characterized by sudden and severe attacks of ...

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COVID-19 vs Strep Throat: What Could My Sore Throat Be?!

February 1, 2024

"I heard strep throat is a symptom of COVID-19?" This question might be making rounds on the internet, but it's essential to clarify that strep throat and COVID-19 are distinct illnesses. The key difference lies in their causes – strep throat results from a bacterial infection, while COVID-19 is a viral infection. Understanding this can be perplexing, but not every sore throat is indicative of COVID-19. At AFC Urgent Care Natick, we encounter patients with ...

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Understanding What Norovirus Is And How To Protect Yourself

January 1, 2024

In the previous year, norovirus cast a shadow over some of our beloved local dining spots, affecting numerous individuals in the community. Recognized colloquially as the stomach flu or bug, norovirus is an intestinal virus capable of causing acute gastroenteritis. Its high contagion factor stems from person-to-person contact, contaminated food and water, and tainted surfaces. Given its seasonal prevalence and historical recurrences, staying informed about hygiene and health measures is paramount. AFC Urgent Care Natick ...

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I Think My Christmas Tree Is The Reason I Feel Sick: Christmas Tree Syndrome Edition

December 3, 2023

As the festive season draws near, many eagerly anticipate adorning their homes with a Christmas tree. However, what if that cherished tree turns out to be the cause of your seasonal sniffles and sneezes? Over one-third of American households embrace the tradition of bringing a Christmas tree into their homes during the holidays. If you find yourself dealing with a runny nose and itchy eyes after setting up the tree, you might be experiencing a ...

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What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns

November 7, 2023

What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns So, what are the degrees of burns? If you’ve been wondering how to identify burns, we’ve got the answers for you. Burns are a common injury that can occur from various sources, including hot liquids, fire, chemicals, and sun exposure. Depending on the severity of the burn, it can range from a minor inconvenience to a life-threatening emergency. Therefore, it is crucial ...

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