Perks of Urgent Care: Board Certified Physicians!

October 16, 2014

<div class="entry-content clear" itemprop="text"> <p><img loading="lazy" class="alignright size-full wp-image-3634" alt="DOCTORPATIENT" src="" width="300" height="221">AFC Urgent Care centers are dedicated to providing quality care, one patient at a time. Each center is staffed with an experienced team of board certified physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical assistants and x-ray technologists on-site at all times. The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">team</a> at AFC Natick can diagnose and treat most non-life threatening injuries and illnesses, in a timely manner.</p> <p>We promise that you and your loved ones will always receive excellent care during your visit ...

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Affordable Urgent Care Costs vs. Emergency Room

October 6, 2014

<div class="entry-content clear" itemprop="text"> <p><img loading="lazy" class="alignright size-full wp-image-3631" alt="MONEY" src="" width="150" height="200">Did you know that Urgent Care centers are 1/5 the cost of an emergency room visit? Millions of Americans each year visit the emergency room, and the costs of these visits start to add up quickly. Here in Massachusetts, a study conducted by the Health Policy Commission shows that more than one-third of health care spending in Massachusetts is wasteful, squandered on unnecessary hospital readmissions and emergency room visits. In 2012, $500 million in ...

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It’s Time: Get Vaccinated!

September 10, 2014

" Flu season is officially here, making it extra important for you to receive your seasonal vaccination. Influenza, most commonly known as the flu, has caused approximately 36,000 deaths, 90% of whom are adults 65 and older. Young children, the elderly and pregnant women are most susceptible to contracting the virus, making it crucial for them to be vaccinated. However, don’t think that just because you don’t fit into any of those categories ...

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It's Time: Get Vaccinated!

September 10, 2014

" Flu season is officially here, making it extra important for you to receive your seasonal vaccination. Influenza, most commonly known as the flu, has caused approximately 36,000 deaths, 90% of whom are adults 65 and older. Young children, the elderly and pregnant women are most susceptible to contracting the virus, making it crucial for them to be vaccinated. However, don’t think that just because you don’t fit into any of those categories ...

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Dr. Tigger Coloring Contest Winner!

August 29, 2014

<div class="entry-content clear" itemprop="text"> <p><img loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-3612 alignright" alt="TIGGER" src="" width="432" height="244"></p> <h4>Congrats to Rachel for winning our Dr. Tigger coloring contest and a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest! Congrats again Rachel!</h4> </div>

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Eat This, Not That: What's In Your Fridge?

August 25, 2014

" We don’t know about you, but sometimes it seems like unhealthy temptations lurk around every corner! Whether it’s a whipped cream smothered coffee drink or a savory fried dinner option, making healthy lifestyle choices can be a challenge! At the same time, we are also bombarded by new health and lifestyle fads at every turn. From cleanses and superfoods to antioxidant drinks and workout programs, we are promised quicker, easier and more intense ...

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Back to School: Staying Healthy In and Out of the Classroom

August 13, 2014

<div class="entry-content clear" itemprop="text"> <p>Kids spend more time at school during the year than anywhere else, and while every parent knows the back to school season is filled with shopping excursions, new school supplies and other preparations, there is one other important thing many people forget. It’s time to make your children’s health part of your back to school to-do list. You know, something you can actually feel good about spending your money on!</p> <p>Whether they?re ...

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Safety Tips: Protecting Your Family at The Pool

August 7, 2014

" Nothing feels better on a hot summer day than a dip in the pool. It’s a great way to keep kids — and parents! — occupied and happy. And while no one wants a damper on their fun, it is important to remember that pools can be dangerous places. While most trips to the pool result in a playful afternoon and fun memories, unfortunately drowning, poisoning and even chemical burns can occur. According to the CDC ...

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We Need Your Vote!

August 4, 2014

" Help us choose the winner of our Dr. Tigger Coloring Contest! Cast your vote by August 15, 2014. The picture with the most votes will win a brand new mini iPad courtesy of AFC Natick and AFC Marlborough! Click here to vote on our Facebook page! "

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Bug Bite Treatments

July 30, 2014

" There is nothing more frustrating than trying to enjoy a cookout or an outdoor activity and having to swat at mosquitoes every minute. Even with protective clothing, bug spray and mosquito nets, they still seem to sneak through it all and get you. It is important for you to protect yourself with protective clothing, bug spray and nets, however they are not bulletproof against mosquitoes and it is possible for you to still get bit ...

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