American Diabetes Month: Know Your Blood Sugar Levels Before The Holiday Feast

November 7, 2022

Are you worried about your blood sugar levels before the holidays? Us too! Last year, our holiday season got canceled for the most part, but this year it’s looking like it’s going to actually happen and you know what that means? Grandma's stuffing and holiday sweets and treats! If you can’t remember the last time you had your A1C levels checked, then it’s probably time to get that done because ...

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Monkeypox, Flu And COVID-19: Avoiding The “Triple Pandemic”

October 12, 2022

Last year, we got ahead of ourselves with social gatherings during the Thanksgiving and winter holidays causing many of us to get sick with both the flu and COVID. But, because COVID and flu have symptoms that overlap, it gives us more of a reason to avoid them this 2022 winter season because we also have to worry about the monkeypox virus. What a trifecta with the potential to cancel our favorite holidays again.  AFC ...

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Avoiding Angry Bees, Their Stings And Bee Allergies

September 8, 2022

Bees are suddenly swarming your outdoor picnics, playgrounds and parks. It’s not your imagination. Angry bee season is upon us and it’s time to prepare for bee stings, bee swarms and bee allergies. Why? Because bees are getting close to the end of their life cycle and are preparing to die off. Their resources are almost depleted and they’re fighting to survive, making them more angry, aggressive and in a stinging mood ...

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Back To School Physical: The Annual Checkup You Don’t Want To Miss!

July 27, 2022

Have you booked your child’s back to school physical yet? Let’s help you cross it off your checklist. Whether they decide to play a fall sport or need updated immunizations, a physical at AFC Urgent Care Natick will help cover all of this so that your little trooper is prepared for the 2022 school year. Here is what you should know about getting your child a physical. An Annual Physical Will Build Your ...

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UV Safety And Prevention Tips For Sunstroke And Heat Exhaustion

June 30, 2022

UV Safety Awareness month may seem like a buzzkill to your summer plans, but it’s actually for your own good. The truth is that UV rays are very harmful to the body and it does more than just give you a “tan”. When it comes down to it, protecting yourself from harmful UV rays is actually pretty easy - especially when you brush up your knowledge on what UV rays are and ways to prevent ...

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Men’s Health Month: Tackling Men’s Health Issues With Preventative Care

June 1, 2022

June is Men's Health Month, and it's an important time to reflect on the many ways in which men can improve their health and wellbeing. There are many different health problems that are specific to men, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and cardiovascular disease- which affects the lives of millions of men every year. Men are also more likely to experience injuries than women, and are more likely to die from accidents ...

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My Deer Tick And I Need A Divorce: Lyme Disease Is Just Not For Me

May 6, 2022

Let’s face it; deer ticks and people are just not meant for each other. One loves to hike while the other loves to bite and give unwanted diseases like Lyme disease. If you ever get bitten by a deer tick, you better hope it’s a short-lived marriage because Lyme disease is not something you want to get.  The truth is, deer ticks are very sneaky and they like to latch onto you without ...

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Am I At Risk For STDs or STIs? Know Your Risk and Your Status

April 1, 2022

There are good things and bad things about sex. It’s supposed to be fun and adventurous. That being said, it can also become scary and not fun when you get an unwanted STD. ‘How did this happen?’ Is something many of you might be asking. The truth is, STDs are silent and sneaky. Most don’t show outward symptoms,  and if left undetected or untreated, can be passed on to someone else. Also, it ...

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The Do’s And Don’ts Of Spring Allergy Season

March 14, 2022

The signs of spring are all around; flowers blooming, warmer weather, noses sneezing, and chests wheezing. Yes indeed, spring can be a beautiful time of the year, but it’s also peak time for spring allergies. After all, we did have a warm winter causing a “priming effect” that made our immune systems more sensitive to tree and grass pollen. AFC Urgent Care Natick is here to help you prepare for a severe spring allergy ...

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How To Tell If Your Sore Throat Is From COVID-19 Or Strep Throat

January 31, 2022

“I thought strep throat was a symptom of COVID-19?”. You may have seen this question circulating across the internet, but strep throat is actually a completely different illness. The major difference between the two is that strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection while COVID-19 is a viral infection. Both are highly contagious and a sore throat is a very common symptom between the two. But, how can you tell if your sore throat ...

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