What’s The Deal With All The Rapid COVID-19 Tests?! Aren’t They All The Same Thing?

January 7, 2022

Have you ever been told to get a certain type of COVID-19 test over another, but never knew why? We’ve all been there. But, no one ever explains the differences between the tests,  making COVID-19 testing pretty confusing.  What’s the deal with all the Rapid COVID-19 tests?! Aren’t they all the same thing? The type of COVID-19 test you take actually matters because you don’t want to get a false negative ...

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Christmas 2021 Plans? Follow These COVID-19 Precautions

December 2, 2021

  The holidays are here and many of us are trying to take extra precautions to avoid contracting COVID-19. We may not have as many restrictions as last year, but late November and December are filled with holidays and gatherings that may increase the chance of contracting COVID-19 if we’re not too careful. Although we can’t eliminate all risk, we can mitigate it, especially by creating various kinds of accommodations for people with higher ...

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Check Your Risk For Diabetes: Here’s What You Should Know

November 3, 2021

When was the last time you checked your blood sugar levels? If you can’t remember the last time, then it’s probably time to get them checked because you might be at risk for developing diabetes. Being diagnosed with diabetes often leads to other health complications that can increase your risk for other diseases like cardiovascular disease.  There are millions of people who are not aware of the symptoms or signs of diabetes and ...

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COVID-19 And Flu Season: Get Both Vaccines To Avoid The Twindemic

September 30, 2021

The 2021/2022 Flu season is approaching and many of us are wondering what to expect, since COVID-19 is still around. Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine or the flu shot? If you ask us, we highly suggest getting both so that you can avoid the dreaded “twindemic”. The CDC states that you can, in fact, receive both at the same time. In response to this, we have new updates to the flu vaccines to ...

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How To Prevent And Treat Bee Stings: Angry Bee Season Edition

August 24, 2021

Angry bee season is already upon us and it’s time to prepare for bee stings and bee swarms. During the late summer and early fall, bees and wasps become very aggressive and can potentially sting you if provoked.   Why? Because they’re getting close to the end of their season and are preparing to die off. Their resources are almost depleted and they’re fighting to survive, making them more angry and more aggressive ...

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Back To School Checklist: Getting Your Child A Physical

August 17, 2021

School is around the corner and It’s time to create a Back to School checklist for your children. One of the most important tasks should be getting them a FULL physical. Why? Because getting your child a physical wil help them prepare for a whole new school year.   School is now fully in-person (yay!), but the downside is that the risk for germs, colds and flu is going to go up. Whether they decide ...

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Winter Safety Tips for Reducing COVID-19 Risks

January 4, 2021

" During winters, it’s common to experience minor illnesses like the flu, cough, and cold. However, these are also prominent symptoms of COVID-19. That is why you may not be completely sure if you are having a common cold or COVID-19. Suppose you are working from the office while social distancing; take extra care if your co-workers are showing common symptoms. Illnesses like the flu or cold can lead to the rapid spread of coronavirus ...

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What is a Rapid COVID-19 Test?

November 15, 2020

" As scientists and medical researchers continue to study the COVID-19 virus, they’ve been able to make significant progress in testing and detection. Recently, a rapid COVID test has been developed to increase efficiency in diagnosing and controlling the spread of the illness. Here’s everything you need to know about rapid COVID-19 testing. Why Is There a Rapid COVID-19 Test? As the need for testing has continued to grow globally, developing a rapid test ...

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Flu Shot FAQs for Patients

November 15, 2020

" Getting a flu shot is incredibly important, especially this year with COVID-19 in addition to the regular influenza virus present. The flu vaccine can help patients get immunity to the current versions of the virus and help rule out flu symptoms. Think you’re ready for flu season? Here’s everything you need to know about the flu shot. Should I get a flu shot? According to the CDC, every person older than six months ...

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Is it Possible to Have Safe Holiday Celebrations During COVID-19?

October 30, 2020

COVID-19 has had a big impact on how we live our daily lives. While we all probably hoped it would be gone by now, that isn’t the case. Heath experts are working to formulate a vaccine to manage the spread of COVID-19, but until that happens, taking extra precautions is necessary. Are Holiday Gatherings Safe? The safety of holiday gatherings depends on your location and the amount of new COVID-19 cases per day in ...

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