When Should I Be Tested for COVID-19?

September 30, 2020

" While there are still guidelines for social distancing and wearing a mask, the recommendations are becoming more relaxed. Because you are around more people, you may be wondering if you should be getting tested for COVID-19. How do you know if you should be getting tested for the virus? When to be tested for COVID-19 If a person has been exposed or in close contact with a confirmed case of the virus should be getting ...

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How Should I Prepare for Flu Season During COVID-19?

August 25, 2020

" It’s better to prepare for the flu season than not. A flu infection can cause severe illness and complications. The seasonal flu sweeps through the country each year and infects thousands of people along the way. You should do what’s necessary to prevent catching the flu especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This time around you have to protect yourself from two different threats at the same time.  When Should You Get the Flu ...

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How to Prepare Your Student for Back to School

August 20, 2020

" Schools are starting to begin their academic year with virtual, in-person or hybrid learning for students. Whether your student is preparing to return to school this fall or are going to be learning at home for the time being, you should take some time to discuss safety measures with your children for when they are back in a classroom environment, including: Washing their hands properly, every time Making sure your child knows how to wash ...

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How to Tell if Your Cut Needs Stitches

July 8, 2020

" Injuries can occur at any time, from bumping into something to accidentally missing when slicing up your dinner to tripping on a crack in the sidewalk while walking or going for a jog. Among the most common of injuries are cuts and lacerations, which can be misleading by appearance. Cuts can initially appear superficial while being deep enough or long enough to require stitches in order for the skin to heal correctly and keep out ...

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American Heart Month: Tips to Improve Your Heart Health

February 26, 2020

<div class="entry-content clear" itemprop="text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Did you know that February is American heart month? With heart attack remaining the leading cause of death in the US, it’s no surprise there’s a month dedicated to helping to educate people about their heart and heart health. There’s always room for improvement when it comes to your heart health, and these tips are a great place to start!&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><b>Limit Alcohol Intake</b></h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Alcohol won’t harm you if it’s ...

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What is a Normal Cholesterol Level?

November 15, 2019

" Cholesterol’s a tough subject, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing your average cholesterol level is essential to your well-being now and in the future. What exactly is cholesterol, you ask? Well, it’s a fat-like, waxy substance found in your body’s cells. Your liver makes cholesterol, and it’s located in some foods such as dairy and meat. Cholesterol is essential to your body, and it needs it to function. However ...

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When to Visit an Urgent Care for the Flu!

November 12, 2019

" For most people, it’s the joy of the holidays that they know of when it’s fall or winter. For some, it’s flu season! The influenza virus, also known as the flu, tends to ruin the fun for millions ever year. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states the influenza virus is circulating. Unfortunately, the strain H3N2 is active and known for more severe illnesses. Apparently, more cases of H3N2 are ...

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How To Tell If You Have A Break Or Sprain

October 28, 2019

" You might have been playing football when you feel a sharp pain in your ankle, and it hurts to walk on it. This could be one of three options, a sprain, strain, or a break. Most people hope it is not a break, and a strain is a better option compared to a sprain. The issue is that the pain between all three might feel almost exactly the same, so it is important to know ...

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How Much Candy Is Too Much On Halloween?

October 28, 2019

" Halloween is the time of year where candy is displayed everywhere. Whether there are mini snickers, skittle, or tootsie rolls, almost every establishment and every house will have it available wherever you go. But how much is too much? It is fine to allow yourself to try a few pieces of your favorite candy throughout the month. Still, it is essential to keep a balance and not become carried away with sugary treats in the ...

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Importance Of STD Testing

September 26, 2019

" September is Sexual Health Awareness Month and you should use this opportunity to undergo STD/STI testing at AFC Urgent Care Natick. Knowing your STD/STI status is important to your overall health as well as your safety. We are here to teach the importance of getting tested and why you should regularly schedule yourself to get tested.  Not all STD’s have symptoms Certain diseases and infections can be present in your system without ...

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