Why The Flu Shot Is Important

September 25, 2019

" The end of September is here, and fall isn’t the only thing that is back this year. Flu season is here, and AFC Urgent Care Natick would is here to remind you to get your flu shot this year! A busy fall is full of holidays, parties, traveling, and plenty of cooking. The last thing you would want is the flu to prevent you from participating in all the beautiful holidays this year! However ...

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Taking Care of Ear Problems

August 25, 2019

" It is hot and the summer is here. Some of the most common summer complaints are annoying ear pain, ear clogging, and decreased hearing. These complaints are common regardless of age. The problems that start in the ear vary and one should seek medical attention as soon as possible to quickly treat the condition. Usually, there are four basic problems that are common with situations pertaining to the ear: (1) swimmer’s ear (2) skin ...

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The Importance of Travel Vaccines Before Family Vacations

July 26, 2019

" If you’re traveling internationally or domestically, it is important to get any necessary vaccines to keep from getting sick or experiencing some other type of infectious illnesses. Travel vaccines are the easiest way to ensure that your family is adequately protected during their trip and that everyone is healthy throughout your relaxing vacation! What are travel vaccines? How do they protect my family members? Travel vaccines are short-term vaccines that help travels protect themselves ...

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Why Does Your Child Need Back-to-School, Sports Physicals?

July 24, 2019

" Preventive exams help to ensure that your child is healthy and safe during most of their time in school and outside during recreational activities. Without either exam, your child is likely not able to enroll in school or participate in a sport they are passionate about. Most public and private schools require students to have an annual physical in order to enroll in school and/or participate in school-sanctioned sports. Without these exams on file ...

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Tips for Safe Camping

June 14, 2019

" Camping is a great way to reconnect with nature this summer. Getting away from your electronics, stress from work and school, and the busy city life is a relief. Before you rush into the woods to pitch your tent, there are some safety rules you need to know. Even if you’re a more experienced camper, review these tips for safe camping to make sure you have a safe trip! Know the Area Every camping ...

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Tick Bite Prevention

June 13, 2019

" This is the time of year when many of us begin spending more time outside. While it’s always fun to get out and enjoy the weather, your summer fun could be interrupted by an unwanted visitor. Ticks manage to find their way onto many people each year and spread things like Lyme disease, tick fever, virus infections and more. Prevention truly is the best course of action when it comes to ticks so before ...

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Why You Should Wear Sunblock

May 15, 2019

" The harmful UV rays of the sun can contribute to skin and health problems. From premature aging to skin cancer, the radiation from the sun can cause severe damage to the health of your skin. Sunblock is capable of diminishing the harmful effects of the sun when worn and provide several health benefits. Let’s look at some of the benefits of wearing sunscreen. 1. Sunblock Protects Beyond Sunburn Sunblock helps to minimize damaging sunburns ...

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Growing STD Awareness for Young Adults

April 25, 2019

" Sex education is a tricky thing. For the most part, many young adults are misleadingly exposed to sex. Media and entertainment provide teens with a less than perfect look at what consequences can come from unsafe sex. In order to promote the best sex education possible, STD awareness has proved to be the most successful way to teach safe and responsible sex to young adults. The Influence of STD Awareness STD Awareness Month is in ...

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Top 7 Most Common Chronic Diseases

April 15, 2019

" Chronic diseases are something that doctors and patients have struggled against for years. Despite how common they are, many chronic diseases go undiagnosed and untreated for an extended period of time. The cause for that can be blamed on a lack of education and knowledge about the disease themselves, and warning signs to look out for. Take a look at the 7 most common chronic diseases in the US so you know what you may ...

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Preventing The Stomach Flu

March 3, 2019

" The stomach flu is responsible for many hospital visits each year and in some cases, even results in death. The stomach flu is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, and a low fever in most people. The gastrointestinal symptoms can quickly lead to dehydration, which is what sends most people to the hospital. When it comes to something as dangerous as the flu, doctors urge patients to prevent the illness before it occurs in whatever way ...

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