How To Prevent And Treat Bee Stings: Angry Bee Season Edition

August 24, 2021

Angry bee season is already upon us and it’s time to prepare for bee stings and bee swarms. During the late summer and early fall, bees and wasps become very aggressive and can potentially sting you if provoked.   Why? Because they’re getting close to the end of their season and are preparing to die off. Their resources are almost depleted and they’re fighting to survive, making them more angry and more aggressive ...

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Back To School Checklist: Getting Your Child A Physical

August 17, 2021

School is around the corner and It’s time to create a Back to School checklist for your children. One of the most important tasks should be getting them a FULL physical. Why? Because getting your child a physical wil help them prepare for a whole new school year.   School is now fully in-person (yay!), but the downside is that the risk for germs, colds and flu is going to go up. Whether they decide ...

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