American Diabetes Month: Prioritize Your Blood Sugar

November 6, 2023

November is here, and with it, the holiday season. Last year, many of our holiday gatherings were canceled, but this year, it's looking like we can indulge in Grandma's stuffing and holiday sweets and treats. However, before you dig into the feast, it's essential to consider your blood sugar levels. Diabetes can loom as a health risk, potentially putting a damper on the celebrations. AFC Urgent Care Natick wants to ensure you ...

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American Diabetes Month: Know Your Blood Sugar Levels Before The Holiday Feast

November 7, 2022

Are you worried about your blood sugar levels before the holidays? Us too! Last year, our holiday season got canceled for the most part, but this year it’s looking like it’s going to actually happen and you know what that means? Grandma's stuffing and holiday sweets and treats! If you can’t remember the last time you had your A1C levels checked, then it’s probably time to get that done because ...

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