COVID-19 vs Strep Throat: What Could My Sore Throat Be?!

February 1, 2024

"I heard strep throat is a symptom of COVID-19?" This question might be making rounds on the internet, but it's essential to clarify that strep throat and COVID-19 are distinct illnesses. The key difference lies in their causes – strep throat results from a bacterial infection, while COVID-19 is a viral infection. Understanding this can be perplexing, but not every sore throat is indicative of COVID-19. At AFC Urgent Care Natick, we encounter patients with ...

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Is My Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID? AFC Answers

April 21, 2023

While it is possible to develop lower back and leg pain from COVID, there are also several other causes. As experts in urgent healthcare services, AFC in Natick indicates why you might be experiencing back pain after COVID and explains some other reasons you might have lower back pain.    Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID Lower back pain is a possible symptom of COVID-19. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, given ...

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