How Much Candy Is Too Much On Halloween?

October 28, 2019


Halloween is the time of year where candy is displayed everywhere. Whether there are mini snickers, skittle, or tootsie rolls, almost every establishment and every house will have it available wherever you go. But how much is too much? It is fine to allow yourself to try a few pieces of your favorite candy throughout the month. Still, it is essential to keep a balance and not become carried away with sugary treats in the name of Halloween. 

Negative Effects Of Sugar On The Body

Too much sugar can have a variety of negative effects on your body. Sugar causes inflammation, which can lead to autoimmune problems. High levels of sugar can also lead to yeast infections, emotional issues such as anxiety, or even depression. Diabetes is caused by too much sugar in the body, and obesity is a huge problem caused by high caloric intake and excessive sugar. Especially for children, too much sugar can lead to emotional problems, or excessive negative energy, followed by a crash.

 Recommended daily allowance

The difference between the recommended daily allowance of sugar between adults and children is somewhat significant. Adults require at least 130 milligrams of carbohydrates to function properly per day. This should not come primarily from refined sugars but instead from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Only half of all carbohydrate intake should come from added sugars, which is around 6-9 teaspoons. For children, the recommended amount of added sugars is 4-6 teaspoons, which is equal to 19 grams. In one mini snickers bar, there are 7 grams of sugar. For a mini package of skittles, there are 11 grams of sugar, and mini kit kat has 6 grams. Basically, for a child, it is ok to eat 1-3 pieces of Halloween candy before going far over their recommended daily added sugars. 

 Tips to regulate intake

Regulating candy intake can be difficult on Halloween, but it is essential to avoid an overdose of sugar. For adults, try to keep track of how many pieces you have allowed yourself to consume. Also, giving yourself a limit of anywhere from 1-4 pieces per night, and counting the calories will keep you accountable. Try not to leave candy out, so you are tempted to grab whenever you pass by the bowl. Finally, wait to purchase your candy until a few days before Halloween, and try to buy candy that is on the healthier side, such as plain chocolate bars versus candy corn.
For helping your children regulate their candy intake, there are a few things you can do. First, make a plan with how much you will allow your child to eat on the actual night of Halloween, and how many pieces per day after that. Try to limit 2-4 treats per day, depending on the contents of the candy. Create a discussion around the candy and try to teach an understanding of why candy is unhealthy, and why it is a regulated treat. 
Managing your candy intake for you and your child during Halloween is very important for a healthy lifestyle. For more information, please contact 508.650.6208



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