It’s Time: Get Vaccinated!

September 10, 2014


Flu season is officially here, making it extra important for you to receive your seasonal vaccination. Influenza, most commonly known as the flu, has caused approximately 36,000 deaths, 90% of whom are adults 65 and older. Young children, the elderly and pregnant women are most susceptible to contracting the virus, making it crucial for them to be vaccinated. However, don’t think that just because you don’t fit into any of those categories it makes you immune from catching the flu.
Be proactive and take the proper steps in preventing the flu from happening to you and those around you.
? ?1. ? Be courteous.

  • Wash your hands
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough
  • Disinfect areas that are commonly touched
  • If you feel sick, stay home

? ?2. Get vaccinated.

  • Anyone above the age of 6 months should receive a seasonal vaccination.
  • Every year the string of virus changes, making last season’s flu shot useless. Being up to date with your shot can help prevent you from catching the flu as well as passing it off to others.

Here are AFC Natick, you and your family’s health is our number one priority. We offer seasonal flu vaccinations, as well as other preventative care needs you may have. Visit us at our location 945 Worcester Street, or call us for more information at 508-650-6208!



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