Men’s Health Month: Tackling Men’s Health Issues With Preventative Care

June 1, 2022

Man Holding His Chest For A Heart Condition He Has That Could’ve Been Prevented If He Went For A Checkup At AFC Urgent Care Natick

June is Men's Health Month, and it's an important time to reflect on the many ways in which men can improve their health and wellbeing. There are many different health problems that are specific to men, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and cardiovascular disease- which affects the lives of millions of men every year. Men are also more likely to experience injuries than women, and are more likely to die from accidents and injuries at the workplace.

It’s time to encourage men to get the health care they need, and to take steps to prevent health problems and improve their overall health. Getting regular check-ups is going to be key to tackling these men’s health issues because they can catch small problems before they become big problems. AFC Urgent Care Natick is here to help guide men this month on preventative care for their health issues.

Preventative Care Is The Key To Preventing Men’s Health Issues

Why wait for the health problem to come knocking at your door when you can easily prevent it by going to the doctor more often. 

There are a number of physical health problems that are specific to men. For example, men are more likely to die from heart disease than women. Why? Because men are less likely to go to the doctor and get checked out when they experience symptoms. Men are also predisposed to other health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes,  making heart disease that much more debilitating. If you start experiencing these symptoms, consider it a warning sign for you to come in for a checkup.

Another health problem specific to men is testicular cancer. FactTesticular cancer is the most common cancer in young men aged 15-34. It is also one of the most treatable cancers, but it is often caught too late because men are reluctant to go to the doctor.

Lastly, prostate cancer, another health problem that is more common in older men. It’s considered the second leading cause of death in men and can also be prevented by getting more frequent checkups with a urologist.

Also: Men Are More Likely To Get Injured At The Workplace

Yes. You read that correctly. Men are more likely to get hurt or sick than women. The U.S Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports both fatal and nonfatal injuries and illnesses at the workplace every year and the statistics don’t lie, man. 

Men on average (60% compared to 40% women) tend to sustain an injury such as; slips, falls, sprains, lacerations and driving accidents as opposed to women. It’s not that men are attracted to danger, but the jobs they work in have a lot of risks that can affect their overall health.

June is also health and safety month and we highly encourage men to take more safety protocols, like wearing protective gear, not overexerting themselves and taking more precautions for the more “dangerous” tasks.

AFC Urgent Care Natick Can Help Men With Preventative Care

When it comes to seeking medical advice, treatment and early diagnosis you can count on AFC Urgent Care to help a man out.

AFC Urgent Care Natick is here to help address these men’s health issues by offering routine checkups for men looking to monitor their cholesterol, blood sugar levels for diabetes, blood pressure, and more. We also offer workers compensation services, X-rays, and treatment for minor injuries like sprains, lacerations and muscular pain.

Walk-in any day of the week with no appointment needed, 8am-8pm Mon-Fridays and 8am-5pm Saturdays and Sundays, or you can now  make an appointment online here.


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