The Do’s And Don’ts Of Spring Allergy Season

March 14, 2022

Woman sneezing due to spring allergies. The Do’s And Don’ts Of Spring Allergy Season

The signs of spring are all around; flowers blooming, warmer weather, noses sneezing, and chests wheezing. Yes indeed, spring can be a beautiful time of the year, but it’s also peak time for spring allergies. After all, we did have a warm winter causing a “priming effect” that made our immune systems more sensitive to tree and grass pollen.

AFC Urgent Care Natick is here to help you prepare for a severe spring allergy season. 

Tips On How To Deal With Spring Allergies

Some people simply suffer in silence. Others just start taking different over-the-counter medications without any real direction, just hoping they hit upon something that works. Both of those reactions are big NO’S when it comes to allergies. Here at AFC Urgent Care Natick, we want you to know that you don’t have to suffer! We can help you through another allergy season and we can start right now with some simple Do’s and Don’ts.

  • Do you know your triggers? That’s the most important piece of advice from the ACAAI. You may think you know that pollen is causing your suffering, but other substances may be involved as well. 
  • Don’t open your windows at home or in your car on days when pollen count is really high. We know. The day is beautiful and the urge is strong. Stay smart and fight it.
  • Do know what pollens you are sensitive to and check the pollen counts. It turns out that tree and grass pollen are night owls! In the spring and summer (during tree and grass pollen season) levels are highest in the evening. In the late summer and early fall, during ragweed pollen season, levels are highest in the morning.
  • Don’t go outside on warm windy days. That’s when pollen counts surge. Also, remember that rain temporarily washes pollen away, but pollen counts are usually really high after a rainfall.
  • Do wear a filtered mask if you must go out when pollen counts are high.
  • Do take a shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after you’ve been working or playing outdoors.
  • Do start taking your recommended medications early. Most allergists recommend starting medications to alleviate symptoms two weeks before they are expected to begin.

What If It’s Not Allergies And It’s COVID-19?

The big question on everyone's mind. The Omicron Variant ruined many family gatherings and winter holidays last year. Although we’ve recently seen a decline in cases in the past month, it is still very much a threat. Some of the symptoms do overlap, especially the upper respiratory symptoms like congestion, runny noses, headaches, etc. Although symptoms overlap, the main symptoms to look out for with COVID-19 are:a shortness of breath, a dry cough, fever, and/or difficulty breathing, as this can be fatal to high risk individuals like the elderly, immuno-compromissed folks, asthmatics, or young children.


AFC Urgent Care Natick wants you to know that we can help you rule out COVID-19 by coming in and getting COVID tested. 

Fight Spring Allergies At AFC Urgent Care Natick

You don’t have to wait until you’re miserable this allergy season. AFC Urgent Care Natick offers easy assistance and convenient hours for all the members of your family. Before you let the sneezes, sniffles, and congestion turn into something more serious, visit us so you can begin to look forward to spring, instead of dreading it.

If you need rapid antigen or rapid molecular testing for COVID-19 you can come and get that done too! No appointment is ever needed when visiting us. You can walk in right now for quality AFC care!


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