Why Does My Lower Abdomen Hurt?

May 22, 2024

Exploring the tastes and sights of Northeast Portland, OR can be exciting and fun. But it is not uncommon to experience stomach discomfort along the way. The city offers a range of culinary options like food carts or brunch spots, as well as plenty of activities like exploring the Alberta Arts District or going to a Trail Blazers game at the Moda Center. With whatever adventure you choose, stomach pain can sneak up unexpectedly. However ...

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Do You Need X-Ray Services to Diagnose Whiplash?

April 26, 2024

Whiplash, a neck injury from sudden movements, is often diagnosed through physical exams and medical history. While X-rays help rule out fractures, they may not detect soft tissue damage. For a comprehensive evaluation, including thorough exams and personalized treatment, visit AFC Portland OR

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Can Allergies Cause Fever?

April 25, 2024

When it comes to fevers, allergies alone do not typically trigger them. However, allergies can contribute to conditions like sinus infections, which may result in fever. Also, viral infections with symptoms like allergies, such as the common cold or flu, could be causing your fever. Allergies can disrupt family time at the OMSI or while visiting the Wishing Tree, but relief is within reach with AFC Urgent Care NE Portland's comprehensive testing and treatment ...

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Lab Testing and More: Visit AFC Today

April 13, 2024

Lab Testing and More: Visit AFC Portland OR Today From urgent care to lab testing, AFC offers many services.* As we navigate through the complexities of life, the demand for accessible and high-quality healthcare has never been more important. This article aims to shed light on the myriad services provided by AFC, focusing on our commitment to delivering exceptional care across various facets of health management. *Please note that services may vary across locations. Please ...

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The Different Types of Drug Testing and Screening Available

April 6, 2024

The Different Types of Drug Testing and Screening Available Drug testing has become a cornerstone of employment protocols across various industries, serving as a crucial tool for ensuring workplace safety, productivity, and regulatory compliance. As employers strive to maintain a drug-free environment and uphold the well-being of their employees, the need for reliable testing services has never been more paramount. Join us as we delve into drug screening and testing, exploring the diverse options available ...

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When to Seek Medical Attention for Seasonal Allergies

April 5, 2024

Seasonal allergies can significantly impact one’s quality of life, especially during peak allergy seasons. As flowers bloom and pollen fills the air, millions of individuals battle sneezing fits, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion.  While many can manage these symptoms with over-the-counter remedies, there comes a point where seeking medical attention becomes necessary.  Schedule Appointment Understanding Seasonal Allergies Allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, occur when the immune system overreacts to environmental allergens ...

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Allergic Reactions and Travel: A Guide to Enjoy Your Vacation

March 18, 2024

Managing allergies while traveling is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe, requiring preparedness. Researching destination allergens, communicating dietary restrictions, and packing essential medications are vital steps. AFC Portland OR offers personalized treatment plans and emergency guidance for seasonal allergies, empowering travelers to explore worry-free.

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How Do I Know If I Have HIV?

March 15, 2024

HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, attacks the body's immune system, making it difficult to fight off infections and diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for managing HIV and living a long, healthy life. If you’re concerned you have HIV, AFC Urgent Care NE Portland offers HIV Testing 7 days a week. Walk in or schedule your appointment today. How is HIV transmitted? Understand that HIV is not transmitted through casual contact. Sharing ...

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The Role of Occupational Health in Employee Satisfaction

March 14, 2024

The Role of Occupational Health in Employee Satisfaction Occupational health plays a pivotal role in the various dimensions of employee well-being. As companies strive to create a positive work culture and enhance employee satisfaction, the focus on workplace health has gained prominence. Join us on this journey as we discuss the critical role of health at work in shaping the well-being and satisfaction of employees across diverse industries. Schedule Appointment Understanding Occupational Health Health at work ...

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The Importance of Normalizing STD Testing

March 2, 2024

The Importance of Normalizing STD Testing Despite advances in medical knowledge and technology, STDs remain pervasive, presenting a complex challenge for healthcare providers and individuals alike. The stigma surrounding STDs often leads to silence and avoidance, further exacerbating the problem. However, breaking this silence and normalizing discussions about STD testing is crucial in combating the spread of these infections and safeguarding individual and community health. Join us as we shed light on the prevalence of ...

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