What You Need To Know About RSV, How It Affects Children And What You Can Do To Help

December 4, 2022

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that almost everyone will get at some point in their life. It’ll usually go away on its own after several days, and you won’t need to take any special action unless you have a pre-existing condition or are caring for an infant.  Respiratory syncytial virus infection can be more serious in young children and people with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised). It can temporarily lower the ...

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Diabetes Is On The Rise: American Diabetes Month Exists For a Reason

November 7, 2022

Diabetes is on the rise and it’s not a condition you want to develop!  In light of American Diabetes Month, AFC Urgent Care New Britain wants to help educate those who are at risk of developing diabetes so that they can manage their blood sugar levels and prevent full blown diabetes. Maybe it’s been a while since you had blood work or a screening for diabetes. If so, then it’s time to ...

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What You Should Know About The Flu, COVID-19 and Monkeypox (Oh My!)

October 12, 2022

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays over the last two years? Oh wait, many of you had to cancel your plans because you skipped out on your flu shot and COVID-19 booster shot. Last year, our favorite holidays got canceled for many because of the Omicron variant and the confusion between COVID and flu. Let’s not make the same mistake as last year, especially since we now have monkeypox to worry about ...

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Bees, They’re Everywhere! Welcome To Angry Bee Season

September 8, 2022

It’s not your imagination. You might have noticed a few bees flying around you while having a picnic, or eating outside at a restaurant, but in late summer and early fall bees are out in abundance and they’re in a stinging mood!  When bees and wasps reach the end of their life cycle, they become increasingly aggressive. Being stung by a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket can be both painful and scary ...

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Back To School Physicals For Elementary And College Students

July 27, 2022

August is the month to renew immunizations and to get an annual check up. Why? Because a back to school physical will help prepare your elementary and college students for potential health risks in the upcoming year. Our kids are going to be exposed to germs and with a chance of bringing these germs home to family members who are immunocompromised.  Whether your child is going away to school or is joining a sports team ...

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UV Safety Awareness Month: How To Reduce The Potential for Sunstroke or Heat Exhaustion This Summer

June 30, 2022

UV rays are a great way to get a sun kissed glow, but too much exposure can cause many health problems. Sunburns are usually a result of overexposure, but long term exposure to UV rays can lead to skin cancer, premature aging of the skin, cataracts and other eye issues. Then there is sunstroke or heat exhaustion to think about. This is why it's important to learn about UV protection so you can keep ...

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Hello Men’s Health Month! : Health Issues And Injuries That Men Can Prevent

June 1, 2022

June is a very special month, highlighting men’s health awareness issues, health and safety at the workplace, and Father’s day. It’s time to tune in to their specific health needs because we love our men and want them to live a full and healthy life. As men age, they’re more susceptible to health issues and concerns related to cardiovascular health. At the same time, men are notoriously known to injure themselves ...

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Beware Of Lyme Disease From Deer Ticks!

May 4, 2022

Not all tick bites lead to Lyme disease, but a bite from a deer tick might!  Deer ticks are very common in the northeast, especially in Connecticut because of the warmer, wetter conditions. The climate change makes it accommodating for these types of ticks to hide in grassy plains and woodsey areas. Each year, thousands of cases of Lyme disease are reported making them a serious threat for those looking to enjoy the outdoors this ...

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Let’s Talk About STD’s: Get Tested and Prevent Getting an STD or STI

April 1, 2022

Let’s talk about sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) and STI’s (sexually transmitted infections). They’re sometimes undetectable, painful, and if left untreated could possibly lead to some larger health complications in the long term. In other words, they’re the last thing you want on your plate. But, the important thing is to continue the talk about them this STD Awareness Month- knowledge is power!.... so that you can prevent getting one, spreading ...

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6 Ways To Get Your Spring allergies Under Control in 2022

March 14, 2022

Have you noticed the sporadic warm weather lately? Because of this, spring allergies are going to be in full force this year. Tree pollen is usually the culprit for spring allergies and then grass pollen in the summertime. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from spring allergies, then this guide is for you, especially if you come down with sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes. 6 Ways to Get Your Spring ...

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