Be Thankful for Your Health

November 20, 2015

" Turkey, pumpkin pie, loved ones and gratitude are hallmarks of the season. We sit around the table, poised to dive into tempting treats, and talk about our comfortable homes or new jobs or time spent with family. We are thankful. Being thankful means pausing to think about what is important in our lives, as well as why these things are important in our lives. As the words “I’m thankful for my health” cross your ...

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What We Treat: The Flu

November 19, 2015

" Influenza, or as we know it, “The Flu”, is a highly infectious virus that spreads through the body via the respiratory tract, inducing symptoms ranging from a severe fever to violent coughing. In extreme cases, the flu causes patients to suffer extreme fatigue and even experience frequent vomiting. Many strains of the virus are potent enough to prevent patients from going about their daily routines, making it important for them to remain at home, as ...

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Six Things You Need to Fight the Office Flu

November 13, 2015

" If ever there were a time during the year that all workers dread, it has to be flu season. Sniffling coworkers, wheezing kids and running out of tissues or hand sanitizer can make the months of flu season extremely stressful, even if you’re one of the lucky ones who remains healthy. Every year, American businesses lose billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity. Experts estimate the economy will lose about about $20 ...

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Common Myths About Flu Shots

October 21, 2015

" The crisp air, the crunchy leaves, and the sniffles in our offices and classrooms give it away; it’s officially the beginning of fall. While the season may be beautiful, the flu that always seems to come with it is certainly not. To protect yourself this flu season, you need to know exactly how the flu operates, so you can separate myth from fact. Here are some of the most common myths about the flu ...

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How Allergies Can Affect You Long-Term

September 9, 2015

" Allergies may not seem like a significant illness that needs immediate treatment, but ignoring your symptoms can have serious, long-lasting effects. If left untreated, allergies can greatly affect your quality of life; you may suffer from increased risk of health problems, decreased brain function and even mood instability. Early treatment is key to avoiding allergy-related health problems later down the road, and American Family Care has just what you need to make it through allergy ...

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Labor Day Is Coming! Are You Being a Responsible Worker?

August 31, 2015

"   Labor Day, a celebration of the spirit and dignity of the American worker, has been a regular fixture in the United States since the late 19th century. It became a national holiday under President Grover Cleveland and focuses on the American worker and the progress toward making work safe and rewarding for all. One of the rules unions fought for and earned in all states in 1949, is workers’ compensation, a form of insurance in ...

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Better Health for Back-to-School

August 6, 2015

" Break out the lunch boxes and the three-ring binders, back-to-school season is upon us again! Amid the mad dash for backpacks, pencil cases and the rapidly approaching school bus, it’s easy to forget about the health concerns of going back to school.  Back-to-school time is also prime time for germs and bugs; an enormous number of children spend most of the day in close contact and touch a lot of shared surfaces (e.g ...

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5 Reasons to Pick Urgent Care over ER

July 24, 2015

" Everyone’s heard it before. “We were stuck in the ER for hours.” It makes sense; your primary care Provider might be booked till next Tuesday, but sudden illnesses and injuries can’t wait that long. So you shuttle your sick or injured loved one to an emergency room and wait. And wait. And … well, you get the picture. Here are some reasons why it might be a better idea to take a quick trip ...

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Poison Ivy Rash Treatments

July 14, 2015

" The summer months are a very high-risk time to come in contact with poison ivy. Adults and children should be aware of where these plants are located so that they do not come into contact with them. If you or your child happen to come into contact with a poison ivy plant and are starting to develop an irritating and uncomfortable rash, here are a few things you can do to prevent the rash from ...

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Keep Spring Allergies In Check During Severe Season

April 6, 2015

" While some people are still shoveling snow, many Americans are facing yet another blow from the weather just in time for spring – a sudden explosion of pollen for what’s expected to be a particularly nasty allergy season. March has yet to go out like a lamb, and we at AFC Urgent Care can already tell that this month’s wacky weather is wreaking havoc on allergy sufferers, as our centers are already seeing patients ...

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