Preventing Kidney Disease

March 24, 2021

" Kidney disease can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes. The good news is that many of the healthy changes we can make can improve your overall health, including heart health and other vital organs. Learn more about the many ways to prevent kidney disease with AFC Urgent Care North Andover. Our physicians can provide resources for you to help improve your overall health. Make your health a priority, and visit our primary care physicians ...

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Common Cold vs. Influenza

March 19, 2021

" Feeling feverish, congested, and achy, but can’t quite tell if it’s the common cold or flu? You are not alone. Many people have that same episode when they experience those symptoms and cannot tell the difference. Both conditions are respiratory illnesses with some shared similarities, which makes it often confusing to differentiate between the two. Knowing whether you have symptoms of the common cold or influenza will boil down to knowing how to ...

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Benefits of Exercise for the Heart

February 19, 2021

" Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the risks of heart disease. Even thirty minutes of exercise daily will control your blood cholesterol, slim you down, keep you in shape, and reduce your blood pressure by nearly seven points. Visit AFC Urgent Care North Andover for any ailments or injuries. Our physicians can help answer any preventative care questions you may have about your general health. If you are having sudden and sharp ...

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How do I Know if I Have Allergies?

February 10, 2021

" Allergy symptoms can feel a lot like cold symptoms. There are a few differentiating factors to consider, however. AFC Urgent Care North Andover provides treatment for all cold and flu viruses. We are also able to provide relief for seasonal allergies. Visit us today to help control your symptoms and feel better. Causes of Seasonal Allergies The cause of seasonal allergies depends on the time of year. In the Spring, trees give off pollen which ...

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How to Have a Healthy Winter

January 25, 2021

" It can be possible to stay healthy this winter despite flu season and COVID-19 still in our communities. Avoiding contagious illnesses is the best way to avoid getting sick, and certain daily habits can help you feel good all season. If you are feeling under the weather, visit AFC Urgent Care North Andover. We provide treatment for all patients and give the best care possible, no matter the ailment. Potential Winter Illnesses Winter is full ...

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Best Remedies for Eczema

January 25, 2021

" Some cases of eczema can be so severe they cause broken skin to bleed and sometimes become infected. It is common in the winter months due to the cold, dry air. AFC Urgent Care North Andover provides treatment options for this condition to help soothe your irritated skin. Visit our clinic today to help get your flare-up under control. Symptoms of Eczema Eczema can happen on any part of the body, but it primarily happens ...

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What Should I Expect with Pneumonia?

December 22, 2020

" Pneumonia will resolve itself after a few weeks for most healthy adults, but it can have you feeling exhausted for many months after your illness. It is essential to know what to expect if you come down with pneumonia and what the warning signs look like. If you think you may have contracted pneumonia, visit AFC Urgent Care North Andover for a diagnosis. What are early pneumonia symptoms? Symptoms range from case to case, depending ...

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Common Signs of a Sinus Infection

December 19, 2020

" A sinus infection can feel like a stuffy nose that is not getting better. Sinusitis happens when your sinuses become inflamed and fill with fluid that becomes infected. Viruses or bacteria most commonly cause them. AFC Urgent Care North Andover can provide you with a diagnosis and proper treatment of sinus infections. Learn more about the general illnesses we can diagnose and treat here. Symptoms of a sinus infection There are a few different causes ...

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Holiday Safety during COVID

November 24, 2020

" With everyone traveling during the holidays, it can be hard to keep yourself protected from COVID-19. Staying safe this season is extremely important, with a second COVID wave already happening. AFC Urgent Care North Andover can provide you with information and COVID tests you may need this holiday season. The only way to know if you have COVID is by getting tested, as many cases are asymptomatic. Get a rapid COVID test today, and you ...

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What should I know about flu season?

November 24, 2020

" There is a lot of information regarding the flu. With COVID on the top of everyone’s mind, it can be easy to forget about flu season. At AFC Urgent Care North Andover, we have all the information you could need to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Recognizing symptoms of the virus and knowing how it is spread can help prevent spreading it to others. It’s important to eliminate the risk of ...

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