Healthy Family Activities for the Upcoming Fall Season!

August 22, 2019

" Taking care of your health is one of the most important aspects of your life, but it’s easy to let it fall by the wayside when life gets busy. It’s also vital to start teaching your kids about healthy living when they’re young so that they can develop good habits. A great way to promote health education and develop healthier habits is to do healthy things together, as a family. It’s ...

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How to Prepare Before a DOT Physical

July 17, 2019

" Truck drivers looking to renew their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) want to do so in a manner that is quick, efficient, and easy so their trucking career isn’t heavily interrupted. A big part of CDL renewal includes getting an updated DOT physical. The DOT physical is designed to ensure that all truck drivers are healthy enough to operate large commercial vehicles. All truck drivers at any experience level are required to get updated ...

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Sun Safety Tips and Sunburn Prevention for Children

July 17, 2019

" Summertime is here and that means it is now the perfect time to enjoy outdoor games, activities, and fun with the family. However, it is always important to practice effective sun safety for your children. During the summer, the UV rays from the sun are more exposed and can lead to sunburn, heat rash, and dehydration in extreme cases. Additionally, intense sunburn and skin damage from UV rays could lead to the development of melanoma ...

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Child Sports Gear

April 25, 2019

" AFC Urgent Care North Andover encourages parents to enroll their kids in sports at a young age. Sports teach kids a sense of responsibility, teamwork skills, & give them a group of friends that they might keep throughout their lives. However, sports can lead to injury if your child is not using the correct equipment while playing! Below we will be discussing the top sports equipment your child should be using when playing specific sports. Headgear ...

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STD Awareness

April 25, 2019

" April is STD awareness month so AFC Urgent Care North Andover would like to spread awareness about some common STD misconceptions & facts that everyone should know. Sexual health is not something that anyone should be embarrassed to talk about. In the recent year’s doctors are seeing a spike in STD/STI in teenagers across the country. Use Contraceptives One of the most important about practicing safe sex is to make sure you are using ...

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The Importance of Travel Vaccinations

March 26, 2019

" Planning for travel is a hectic process. Booking flights, filling prescriptions, deciding what to pack, and so much more! But have you taken the time to get your travel vaccinations? Many people overlook the importance of getting their travel vaccinations before they leave the country. While you may not expect to contract a scary disease, the possibility is definitely present. To understand why it’s so important to remember your travel vaccines, we should take ...

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Stomach Flu

March 26, 2019

" We’ve all heard of the stomach flu and merely hearing about it is enough to make anyone want to avoid it! While you may hope you never get the flu, knowing the facts about it is still essential. Let’s take a look at the symptoms, treatment, and prevention for the stomach flu. Symptoms The stomach flu affects your digestive system, as the name would suggest. Those suffer often report nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and ...

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Weight management

February 25, 2019

" A big topic in today’s society is weight management. What is underweight & what is overweight? In the media today we are seeing a lot more acceptable to many different body types. Models used to be viewed as extremely skinny (unhealthily Skinny) people & this started a trend of people trying to achieve this almost impossible figure. Today we have models that are average size & plus size models. This is leaving a lot of people questioning ...

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What Are The Health Risks of Vaping?

February 20, 2019

" It’s 2019 & cigarette sales are at an all-time low however a new trend is becoming very popular. This trend is called vaping. If you haven’t heard of vaping, it can also be called electronic cigarettes & allows a person to smoke without the smell or taste of a cigarette. At first, the risks to vaping were unknown & the younger generations assumed it was nothing like smoking cigarettes because that is what tobacco companies have ...

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Heart Attack Symptoms In Women

January 22, 2019

" Heart attacks are commonly depicted on TV and movies with crushing chest pain, left arm pain or tingling, and a sudden realization that you have a heart attack. While these stereotypical symptoms may be an accurate representation of the experience for men, the same can’t be said for women. There’s a lack of knowledge and education when it comes sot what a heart attack looks like in women and how to quickly identify ...

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