Heart Attack Symptoms In Women

January 22, 2019

" Heart attacks are commonly depicted on TV and movies with crushing chest pain, left arm pain or tingling, and a sudden realization that you have a heart attack. While these stereotypical symptoms may be an accurate representation of the experience for men, the same can’t be said for women. There’s a lack of knowledge and education when it comes sot what a heart attack looks like in women and how to quickly identify ...

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Reasonable goals for 2019

January 22, 2019

" The new year is here & now is the time of the year when we all self evaluate & try to make changes that will better our lives. Unfortunately a trend we see every year is people who start working hard towards there goals & then by the end of January they have already given up. AFC Urgent Care North Andover would like to give you some advice that will help you make goals that you will actually ...

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New Year New Health

December 28, 2018

" The new year is the perfect time to create resolutions to improve your health, but the sad reality is that most people abandon their decisions by the end of February. We want to help you improve your health in 2019, so we created a manageable list of health tips and resolutions you can take on this year! The key to a good resolution is making one you can actually stick to, and these should all ...

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Signs and Symptoms of a Cold

November 21, 2018

" At first you were fine, but after a few days, you’ve noticed that your throat feels a little scratchy, and you have a bit of a headache.  You also feel your nose running, and you’re finding yourself constantly reaching for a tissue.  If you haven’t realized by now, you definitely have a cold. How does a cold start? You usually catch a cold by coming into contact with someone who I already ...

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Occupational Healthcare – Caring for Employees and Employers

November 8, 2018

" Occupational Health refers to the many disciplines devoted to the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace, often concentrating on injury prevention. Even with solid practices in place, accidents do occur, and having an experienced occupational healthcare provider you trust can make all the difference. Workplace injuries can result in lost time, indemnity costs, and lower productivity for an employer. Studies have shown that the same workplace injury can have catastrophic consequences to the ...

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Don’t Let The Flu Scare You

October 25, 2018

" Name something scarier than ghosts and goblins during this time of year: the flu. Flu season typically starts right before Halloween and can last up until May, with peak season being around January.  With everyone around you coughing, and sneezing, and looking like zombies, it might give you a fright that you’ll get sick, too. Don’t let getting sick spook you this fall season.  Follow these tips to have a healthy flu season ...

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Family Health and Fitness

October 15, 2018

" Did you know that the family is the most important social influence for physical activity? Research shows that children of active parents are 5.8 times more likely to engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Today, most children do not meet the recommended amount of daily exercise, which is crucial to healthy growth and development. To get your kids moving, it’s important that you’re moving too! Here are a few fun ...

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Is It Dislocated?

August 29, 2018

" There is nothing worse than being sidelined by an injury.  One minute, you’re out on the field and nothing else matters, and next thing you know, your opponent bumps into you and your shoulder is in excruciating pain.  Now you’re wondering… Did I dislocate something? A dislocation occurs when a bone slips out of a joint. For example, the top of your arm bone fits into a joint at your shoulder and if ...

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When to Get a Back to School Physical

August 29, 2018

" No matter what grade your child is about to enter, a routine physical is an important part of getting ready to head back to school.  This annual exam can also be combined with a sports physical if your child plans on participating in any extracurricular activities throughout the school year. Here are a few things you should expect when bringing your child in for a physical. Assessment of physical well-being During a school physical, the ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito’s This Summer

July 20, 2018

" Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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