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Congrats to Everyone Who Ran in the North Andover 4th of July Race!

July 6, 2016


At 8:30 am on July 4th, 900 runners arrived at the starting line to participate in this year’s annual North Andover 4th of July Road Race. AFC Doctors Express Urgent Care North Andover had the pleasure of being one of the co-sponsors for the event, which benefitted the Friends of the North Andover Senior Center. Our team planted ourselves in the North Andover, where we donated over 900 water bottles to runners and handed out chapstick to runners and watchers alike, to help combat the scorching sun.

The road race offered two separate routes, giving runners (or walkers!) the option of running either the 5K or 10K race. Young children were also given the opportunity to partake in the Fun Run, which was held shortly before the start of the adult race.

The North Andover 4th of July Road Race has been held since 1979, making this year’s race its 38th anniversary. One of the biggest highlights for this year, was the participation of world class marathon runner, Becca Pizzi, who is the first American woman to complete and win the 2016 World Marathon Challenge, in which she participated in 7 different marathons on 7 different continents in 7 days.

We at AFC Doctors Express Urgent Care North Andover look forward to being back next year as the event amazingly brings the whole community together on one of our country’s most special holidays. We’re incredibly proud of everyone who ran in this year’s race as we’re just grateful that we could help!



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