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New Year New Health

December 28, 2018


The new year is the perfect time to create resolutions to improve your health, but the sad reality is that most people abandon their decisions by the end of February. We want to help you improve your health in 2019, so we created a manageable list of health tips and resolutions you can take on this year! The key to a good resolution is making one you can actually stick to, and these should all fit the part.

Eat Fish Twice A Week

Many new year’s resolutions include foods that you can’t eat, but this is the exact opposite. Eating fish at least twice per week can have significant benefits on your heart and brain health. The most beneficial types of fish include tuna, salmon, and mackerel. If you aren’t a fan of fish, go online to find fun new recipes to begin incorporating them into your weekly lunch or dinner meals. Who knows, you might even discover new favorite food!

Up Your Water Intake

Water is essential to every aspect of a healthy life. This year, dedicate yourself to increase your water intake. Begin making small changes to set yourself up for success. Some of those changes could include drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning and only ordering water at restaurants. If you struggle to drink water throughout the day, invest in a refillable water bottle that you love. Upping your water intake will promote weight loss and many other health benefits. You may even find yourself snacking less throughout the day when you’re properly hydrated! If the taste of water bores you, there are zero calorie drink flavoring options that you can add at a little cost.

Improve Your Sleep Schedule

We neglect our bodies in many ways, but an odd sleep schedule is one of the most damaging. Your body needs at least 8 hours of sleep per night to function properly. If 8 hours is too big of an adjustment from your current sleeping schedule, begin by making slow increases until you reach the 8-hour mark. It may take some time to get used to the increased sleep, but your body and mind will thank you. Sleep affects your heart, brain, memory, and many other aspects of your health. This is a resolution that will have significant benefits to your overall health, and all you have to do is sleep!



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