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What Should I Know About Pharyngitis?

January 22, 2020


If you’ve ever been stuck with a sore throat, struggling to swallow, you’ve experienced pharyngitis! This is a common condition; most people just aren’t quite sure what the medical term for it is. Understanding the term pharyngitis can help you prevent the condition and treat it more quickly when it does affect you. But what exactly do you need to know?

What is Pharyngitis? 

Pharyngitis is a fancy way of saying sore throat. In more technical terms, it refers to the swelling of the mucus membranes that line the back of your throat. This type of sore throat can lead to difficulty swallowing, a dry feeling, and pain, typically, pharyngitis is caused by other conditions such as the common cold, flu, or allergies. 

How Can I Prevent Pharyngitis? 

Pharyngitis is most commonly caused by viral infections. This includes things like strep throat, pink eye, the flu, and much more. If you can prevent those infections, you can prevent pharyngitis! Protect yourself from viruses by washing your hands regularly throughout the day and getting your flu vaccine each year.

If you start to feel symptoms of a potential virus, get checked out right away. Prompt treatment of the virus may be able to prevent that pain of pharyngitis. 

Treatment Options

If you have an underlying virus, antibiotics will likely be needed before your symptoms begin to improve. In addition to the antibiotics, some common home remedies for pharyngitis include: 

  • Rest
  • Staying hydrated
  • Soothing beverages such as hot tea or water with lemon and honey
  • Cough drops
  • Throat spray
  • Moist air – breathing in dry air will make the inflammation worse. Use a humidifier or sit in the bathroom with a hot shower running to create steam. 

Another common cause of pharyngitis is seasonal allergies and asthma. Finding the right treatment for these conditions isn’t always a simple process, but once you find what works for you, you’ll be able to say goodbye to pharyngitis and other annoying allergy symptoms! 

If you’re suffering from allergies, a virus, or a severe case of pharyngitis, visit your local urgent care today. The nurses and doctors on staff will help to diagnose and find the root of the problem before offering treatment options. Delayed testing and treatment often lead to worse conditions in the end, so it’s time to make your trip to urgent care ASAP! With flexible hours and low prices, there’s no reason to continue suffering from pharyngitis. 



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