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AFC North Andover Self Pay

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Self Pay and Out of Pocket Urgent Care Walk-in Clinic Services at AFC North Andover

At AFC North Andover not only do we accept most insurance policies, we also offer very competitive rates for self-pay urgent care and walk-in clinic services. We recognize that many patients may not have insurance and we ensure that our out-of-pocket patients are given the same high-quality medical treatment that we give to all our patients.

We also believe in being honest and open with our patients. Therefore we have created a comprehensive no-insurance urgent care price list for the services that our walk-in clinic offers.

Since each situation (injury, illness, fever, infection ear-ache etc.) is different from others, it is impossible for us to answer the question “How much will my urgent care visit cost?" Therefore, we recommend that you consult the price list below and call our urgent care center at 978-922-2171 if you have further questions. Not having a comprehensive insurance plan can be a significant source of stress and one of our staff will be glad to help you to ensure that you get the proper care at a reasonable and affordable price.

Office and Clinic Visit Pricing

Simple Visit
Includes instant lab tests: Strep, Pregnancy, Mono, Urinalysis, Glucose, Flu and Oral Medications (Tylenol, Prednisone, Motrin, etc.)
STD-Related Physician Consultation
See Detailed STD Test Prices
Travel/Immunization Consultation
See Immunization and Vaccination Prices
Physical Exams and Occupational Health Visits See List
Office Visit – Follow up
If the complaint is the same as the initial visit and within 10 days of initial visit
Suture Removal
If sutures placed by our facility then no charge (included in the initial visit)
Abscess Repacking
Recheck or packing removal only then no charge (included in the initial visit)

Add-Ons to Office Visit (other tests and services)

Rocephin/ Ceftriaxone, Toradol, Dexamethasone $25
ECG $50
Ear Lavage / Ear Wax Removal $75
X-rays – all views $80
Orthoglass Splints $25
All Laceration Repairs $129
Abscess Drainage $129
Burn Dressings $75
Foreign Object Removal
Embedded items like ticks, splinters, ear and eye foreign body
Ingrown Toenail Surgery $100
Nebulizer (per treatment) $50

STD Consultation and Testing Prices

Physician Consultation $75
STD Test Prices
Vaginal Pathogen Panel- Candida, Gardnerella Vaginalis (BV), Trichomonas Vaginalis $175
Chlamydia & Gonnorrhoeae- Swab or Urine $150
Herpes Blood Panel (IGG, IGM) for Simplex 1 & 2 $100
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1/HSV-2) Subtype by PCR- Results in 1-3 Days $300
Hepatitis B Panel ( Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Surface Antibody, Surface Antigen w/reflex) $100
RPR with Reflex to Titer & Treponema Antibody Total $50
HIV 1/2 Ab/Ag Combo w/Rflx to HIV-1/2 Antibody Differentiation $60
Discounted STD Panels (bundle pricing)
STD Panel I – Blood Test- Herpes, Hep B, Hep C, RPR, HIV $300
STD Panel II – Vaginal- Candida, Gardnerella (BV), Trichomonas, Chlamydia & Gonnorrhoeae $250

Other Lab Tests

Complete Blood Count w/diff (CBC) $50
Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) $50
Wound Culture- Aerobic & Anaerobic $50
Urine Culture $50
Throat Culture $50
TSH (thyroid stimulated hormone) $50

Stool Sample Testing

Stool Culture (Salmonella & Shigella) $100
Campylobacter (Stool) $100
Clostridium Difficile (Stool) $100
OVA Parasite $125
Throat Culture $50
H Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) Antigen, FECAL $125

Immunizations and Travel Vaccinations

Please note that immunizations and travel vaccines are not covered by insurance. A consultation is required to carefully review your medical history before immunizations/vaccinations can be administered. The price of the consult does not include that of the required immunization/vaccine.

Travel Consultation $85
Travel Vaccination Pricing
Typhoid $140
Hepatitis A $140
Japanese Encephalitis (Special Order) $450
Yellow Fever (Not Currently Available) NA
Rabies Only (Special Order) $450
Immunizations Prices
Seasonal Flu $35
Hepatitis B (Per Dose) $145
TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) $100
Varicella (Chicken Pox) $200
Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) $130
PPD / TB Test Prices
PPD including reading $40
PPD reading only when placed elsewhere $30
PPD related medical consult and X-ray $125
Titers Pricing
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody $50
Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) $125
Varicella (Chicken Pox) $125
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody w/R-flex Hep C Quant PCR $65

Physical Exams Pricing

Sports & School Physical $75
7D Physical (school bus drivers) $100
DOT/CDL Physical $120
Coast Guard Physical
(may require an additional drug test in some situations)
$120 w/o drug test
$180 with drug test

Occupational Medicine and OSHA required test pricing

Pulmonary Function Test $50
Respirator Fit Test, Qualitative $60
Lead Blood (Venous) $50
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP), Whole Blood $75
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test (BUN) $25
Creatinine $30

Drug Testing Prices

We offer corporate/group discounts for employers in our area. Please call to inquire.

Rapid 5 Panel Test- eCup $50
DOT Drug Screen with MRO $60
Rapid 10 Panel Test- xCup $75
Breath Alcohol Test (Employer Only) $50

Durable Medical Equipment Pricing

Neck Brace (Ankle, Wrist, Neck, Knee) $30
Walking Boots – Tall or Short $90
Post Op Shoe $25
Sling $20
Frog Splint $25
Thumb Spica $30
Crutches $30
Knee Brace – Foam $40
Knee Brace – Sleeve $40
Cane $25
Air Cast $60
Shoulder Immobilizer $25
Wrist Splint $30
Finger Splint $10
Orthoglass Splints $25

Tick and Lyme Disease Test Prices

Lyme: Borrelia burgdorferi Abs, Total with Reflex to Immunoblot $100
Tick Panel: Borrelia burgdorferi Abs, Total with Reflex to Immunoblot & Ehrlichia & Anaplasma Species by Real-Time PCR $400
Babesia by PCR $350

AFC Urgent Care Clinic in North Andoveroffers out-of-pocket and self-pay walk-in clinic services to patients in the Peabody, Danvers, Salem, Topsfield, Middleton, and North Andoverarea. Our clinic is conveniently located at 50 Dodge Street, North AndoverMA 01915. We also accept most insurance plans available to residents of Massachusetts including Medicare. We are a walk-in clinic – no appointment is ever necessary.

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